Also, I did a bunch of Kao coins earlier this year in preparation, and I don't have photo evidence of them being in progress (at least not for all of them) is there any way to prove that they aren't A.I generated that is acceptable?
Unfortunately, that would go against the rules - while I am familiar with you thanks to your participation in previous contests, I feel uncomfortable adding exceptions to the rules. That being said, I'm open to suggestions.
is there something we should do if the mid process images don’t show very well the process? I always keep the Timelapse video but I’m having a hard time finding a single frame that does a good job.
I don't need the full "process" - keep in mind that this is mainly being done to keep AI-generated art from being shown, so anything that helps push your submission in that direction is going to be helpful.
Unfortunately, that would go against the rules - while I am familiar with you thanks to your participation in previous contests, I feel uncomfortable adding exceptions to the rules. That being said, I'm open to suggestions.
Would it be possible to have them take a screenshot of the different layers?
Most people make different layers; like one for a rough sketch/outline and then another for color etc. so if they did do that, wouldn’t a screenshot of them be proof that it wasn’t an AI?
My kao chan coin is named スライム.レベルアップ (Slime Level up). This was inspired by manga and anime that starred slimes who would level up by eating different plants and objects. From a certain perspective, kao chan reminds of a slime, so I portrayed him as a slime who is leveling up. Please use the link to open it in the next tab because it only opens in default (the template) using the link.