Vocabulary dictionary

Kanji dictionary

Grammar dictionary

Sentence lookup


Forums - Fall 2024 Focus: Reading Buddy Improvements

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Level: 283

I am not in the process of updating Reading Buddy based on the feedback I got!

Already done

1. Sets and Lists display has been completely redone.

2. You can now easily remove sets from within the Reading Buddy.

3. Custom terms (ones that are not in renshuu's dictionary) can now be added directly within the RB.

Planning to add

1. This is not within RB itself, but I have separate plans to let you study rare-kanji readings when you select the not-common version of a term.

2. Filter settings for when you search a phrase/sentence. Will allow you to hide terms that are below a certain level, already known, etc. Hidden terms will still be accessible, just hidden below a link.

3. Sorting terms when you search a phrase sentence. Considering mastery level, jlpt level, etc.

Not quite sure yet

1. Reordering the terms in a list is problematic due to the way lists are structured in renshuu. Not impossible, but tricky.

2. Same goes for ordering lists in a Set

3. I had a comment on "Show dictionary" being forced on, may add that as a setting.

7 months ago
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Level: 944

sorting option by highest / lowest masteries and the way to select multiple words at once, these may be just a me problem but i want to put words i know the least into a new list and selecting all of them one by one takes a while

7 months ago
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Level: 678

pipedream request but an option to add custom words/entries to reading buddy lists?

7 months ago
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Level: 285

Yay, excited to hear that an update is coming!

From the top of my head:

1. Reverse look up words by English. I use Reading Buddy during my Japanese class, and sometimes I learn a word that I want to reuse later when speaking. It would be great if I could search my lists using English to quickly locate the word. Using the dictionary usually yields a lot of options. Seems that this exists now!

2. Counter for how many times a word has been looked up, and ability to sort by that. Usually these words are the ones I need to study the most because I keep blanking on them, and they are really useful (e.g. come up a lot in the manga).

3. Moving the word to the top of the list when it's been looked up again.

4.Management of sets and lists such as renaming and deletion (I know I can delete them via the Community Lists interface, but it's a bit cumbersome)

7 months ago
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Would be great to be able to switch around the order on which sets/lists appear when we have multiple of those

7 months ago
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if a sentence has katakana word(s) in it, Reading Buddy can not properly parse it. sometimes "adverb" in the sentence is parsed as "adjective". sometimes particle で in the sentence is parsed as です.

7 months ago
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Level: 283

if a sentence has katakana word(s) in it, Reading Buddy can not properly parse it. sometimes "adverb" in the sentence is parsed as "adjective". sometimes particle で in the sentence is parsed as です.

This sounds more like a bug, and worth reporting in a separate thread (with full example of the sentence you are trying to put in).

7 months ago
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Level: 619

Link this with Text Analyzer.

Make set / list / schedule / analyzed texts easier to manage and explain the differences + uses clearly, and link to those management pages.

7 months ago
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Level: 283

I'm not sure how this would link to the analyzer?

7 months ago
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Level: 58

I think something good for the reading buddy would maybe be like have the definitions during a study quiz maybe for the flashcards be in Japanese! I currently checked the languages and Japanese isn't there. I think for people who would love to transition or change to Japanese to Japanese study this would be perfect!

7 months ago
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Level: 283

We unfortunately have been unable to find jp-jp days that we can use in renshuu.

7 months ago
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Level: 58

Awwww that's sad :( well thank you for replying! It was something that crossed my mind!

7 months ago
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On my end, I'd like it if grammar cards would also show up when I look up their respective words, like "という", for example, where I know it's a grammar point, but then I have to open the grammar dictionary search to see how it works, instead of having it "explained" on the reading buddy
Sure, when I make a study schedule out of the set, it can stay as is with only words, but having to search grammar in the grammar dictionary while I'm reading with the Reading Buddy opened kinda breaks the flow for me sometimes :-/

7 months ago
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Level: 271

I'm not sure if this is already possible, so apologies if it is! But I'd really love for phrases to work in reading buddy somehow. For example, I just read a short story that had "tsugi no koto" for "the following matter" but it didn't seem to work as a phrase and pulled up each component separately.

Side note, I already love the Kanji Helper you added. Thank you for everything you do!

7 months ago
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Level: 58

I'm not sure if this is already possible, so apologies if it is! But I'd really love for phrases to work in reading buddy somehow. For example, I just read a short story that had "tsugi no koto" for "the following matter" but it didn't seem to work as a phrase and pulled up each component separately.

Side note, I already love the Kanji Helper you added. Thank you for everything you do!

Wait there's a kanji helper?! Do you mean the Kanji index?

7 months ago
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Level: 271

I'm not sure if this is already possible, so apologies if it is! But I'd really love for phrases to work in reading buddy somehow. For example, I just read a short story that had "tsugi no koto" for "the following matter" but it didn't seem to work as a phrase and pulled up each component separately.

Side note, I already love the Kanji Helper you added. Thank you for everything you do!

Wait there's a kanji helper?! Do you mean the Kanji index?

I don’t know if I’m doing this reply correctly but I don’t think I mean the kanji index. It’s a relatively new feature mentioned in the summer updates I think. It creates a kanji schedule based on a vocab schedule.

7 months ago
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Level: 1685

The "show dictionary" being optional. Maybe it is my way of using it, but I want to see the dictionary results over if the words are appearing in the list I am creating. I am mainly using the tool to mine vocabulary I come across and I can't really think of a case where I wouldn't want to see the dictionary results.

7 months ago
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Level: 285

An interesting feature could be to "ban" words from appearing in Reading Buddy at all. This could be useful for when sentences are pasted into RB, just for the purpose of stripping common particles that I don't want to see the translation for (は、が、に etc). And I would certainly ban this な because I manage to get it to show up fairly often, but not even once was it meaning "don't" or "do"。

Alternatively, exclude by levels -- for example, skip all JLPT N5 words, or all words in any/certain schedule.

Update regarding the bug: I got a comment in the bug report that this is a known issue caused by the greedy algorithm. Then I would like to raise a suggestion to make the algorithm less greedy. Of course, it might mean longer think time for more complex phrases, but since Reading Buddy tends to have fairly short inputs, it shouldn't explode too badly?

7 months ago
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Level: 271

Something weird just happened when I was using Reading Buddy... I started a new set yesterday but didn't create a list because I was only going to need 1 list.

But today, I went to add a new word and somehow (due to my sleep- and coffee-deprived brain), instead of searching the word in the search bar, I typed it in as a new list name and created a list.

now, all of the terms I added yesterday (not in a list) are gone and I can't seem to find them anymore.

So, maybe the request I have is to require us to create list names and add to a list?

7 months ago
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Level: 527

I use the reading buddy for older and underground mangas, that may use some outdated kanjis for words mostly writen in hiragana nowadays. When I search for these rare writings I get the right vocabulary with the information "rarely written as ...", but I can't add this writing to the list (opposed to most alternative writings).

Example: , I can only add いのしし

Or is this already possible when using a certain setting within renshuu?

7 months ago
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