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Forums - Fall 2024 Focus: Question Corner Improvements

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Level: 182

English translations of the question. It's nice to be able to check yourself because sometimes I just can't understand the meaning of the sentence with just dictionary definitions and translators can be... uhh... unreliable at times

7 months ago
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Level: 285

I would prefer if I could link the sentence to the dictionary before I submit it. Otherwise, I forget pretty much every time. Suggestions:

1. Add the button to the sentence writing UI

2. If a sentence is submitted without being linked, prompt confirmation ("are you sure?" type of thing)

3. If a sentence is submitted without English translation, do the same

4. Give extra XP for either actions

5. Potentially, change "link" to some other icon and action name. For example, you could say that you're going to "enhance ✨" the sentence, or "help others 🤝" to understand it, or "look up vocabulary 🔎". Linking does not feel like something I want to do, but helping the community strikes the chord. Update: is actually called binging in the interface which does confuse me 😅

6. To be even more proactive regarding linking, show the linking interface automatically when the input loses focus. Provide 2 buttons, "Looks good!" and "I'm not sure...". The former links the dictionary terms, the latter leaves the message unlinked. Of course, then you might see much more erroneous linking as people might make mistakes, but well oh well, isn't that why we're here

7 months ago
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Level: 285

As for the question contents, I somewhat dislike the "yes or no" questions as people tend to answer just that, or one needs to struggle with how to break the bonds of "yes, I do like doing this thing" and write something more interesting. I think a way to more varied answers lies in open-ended questions, especially the ones having an "if" clause. Like,"what would you do if you had 4 arms?" or "If you had to invent a holiday, how would we celebrate it?". There are lists of such questions online if you google something like "fun questions to ask children". The questions are not deep, don't identify the speaker, and they encourage creative answers that would ideally be longer than 1 word :) However, it would be good to add English translation to these questions as the conditional clause does not come up right away in the grammar course.

Of course, it might be difficult for beginners to answer such questions, but both of the questions above can be answered with "たくさんべる" so I guess it could work out

Michael, LMK if you need help mining some questions of this type from the internet before you roll out community submissions.

7 months ago
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Level: 283

When I get a message that says someone has commented on something I wrote, I don’t know how to find that comment sorry if I’m dense 😅 but maybe that could be easier?


7 months ago
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Level: 12

Perhaps add the arrows to go to the previous or next page to the bottom of the page as well? On my screen, I keep noticing that the arrows to go to the previous page or next page of responses is only available at the top, so every time I scroll to the very bottom, I would need to scroll all the way back up to go to the next or previous page of responses. Not sure if that applies to everyone else.

7 months ago
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Level: 38

Could you make it easier to reply to responses to your post? I'm on mobile and can never find my reply to respond when other people comment.

7 months ago
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Level: 862

Maybe make it so we can see questions we've already answered? Sometimes I go back when there isn't a new one and comment on something I've already commented on before

7 months ago
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Level: 396
Maybe make it so we can see questions we've already answered? Sometimes I go back when there isn't a new one and comment on something I've already commented on before

New questions twice each week! Community > Question Corner for past questions.

This is just above where you would answer the current question. You can also see your comments in Me > My Writing. Hope this is what you were looking for.
7 months ago
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Level: 63

Mabey when you directly type into the box there is a way it could change into kanji instead of just kana?

7 months ago
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Level: 283

kana>kanji is too difficult for renshuu to handle, and should be done with the IME's that come with smartphone keyboards, windows, etc.

7 months ago
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Level: 71

I plan on doing a revision of the Question Corner this fall, so I'm welcoming any thoughts/ideas (big or small!)

I do have one idea I am definitely implementing, which is a way for users to submit questions alongside the official ones.

I hope you can bring back the functionality of reading the whole question. After trying to read it on my own, I like being able to hear how the words and the whole sentence is pronounced with the proper intonation.

6 months ago
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Level: 356

It would be nice if the question corner could work more like a forum. At the moment the question corner feels very one-way. We answer the question or even reply comments from others, but then are quickly disconnected from it; there's no feedback or further engagement with the content, which is quite ironic since the question corner is a place for human-to-human communication. I think this is because we have no way to easily navigate back to discussions we have started. I can receive a comment on my replies but the link takes me to the question page and i'm unable to find my responses to view them. It would be nice to be able to follow threads along and have conversations with the community on this platform.

6 months ago
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Level: 59

Hello! First of all, thank you for all the effort and time you put in Renshuu. Your hard work really makes this app one of the best to learn Japanese by yourself.

Maybe it's a little late to add more ideas, but I was thinking if there's a way to sort questions by their level of difficulty.... don't know if it's doable, but it would be nice.

Thank you, マイコーさん.

6 months ago
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Level: 159

People could submit their own sentences/questions for the question corner In the discord or there could be made a Google form where you can vote for which question you would want for the next day.

this would be good since there would be more community interaction, people could practice their writing more and we would get question corner more often with different writing styles which would put more spice and increase learning imo

6 months ago
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Level: 573

As for the question contents, I somewhat dislike the "yes or no" questions as people tend to answer just that, or one needs to struggle with how to break the bonds of "yes, I do like doing this thing" and write something more interesting.

I agree that it would be great to increase the proportion of open-ended questions. Even if there is a need to cater to level 0 beginners, I wonder whether inviting answers that are a yes, no or some other single word actually helps them improve their Japanese, or engage with the language meaningfully. (I'm assuming that XP and Kao coins are not the end goals.)

Perhaps there can be a message encouraging participants to write the English version of what they are trying to express in the translation area. This way, if the participants want to say something in Japanese but don't quite know how, a helpful senpai might offer a suggestion.

6 months ago
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Level: 133

I feel like no one mentioned it but some questions do not have audio for the full sentence, just the words. I think it would help if this can be done for existing questions.

(or at least sort the ones with audio vs without to search easier in the list?)

6 months ago
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As a new Japanese learner, who is just barely memorized hiragana & katakana, I am disappointed that I can't really participate in Question Corner, because I just don't have enough knowledge yet. Especially since this is part of the Daily Challenges, i wish there were a section for absolute beginners where there were really simple questions that I could at least have a chance at answering the question. 😊

6 months ago
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Level: 283

Some of them are *very* simple, but only one question is at the top of the page.

As an aside, you can go to menu > settings > motivators, then turn off the daily challenges for this one :)

6 months ago
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It would be nice to have an Image-Question feature for some questions. For example, you could show an image of three landscapes and then ask a question like 'カオちゃんとどこかきたいですか?' (Where would you like to go with Kao-chan?). These questions could have many ways to answer, such as people who don't know the vocabulary for the place could say 'ふたつののところにいけたい' (I want to go to the place in the second picture).

6 months ago
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Level: 16

Dear Micheal

Some of the answers in the corner are just random like some people just type random stuff it's a waste of data I hope you will remove them.

6 months ago
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