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Forums - Overall quality of German translations

Top > 他言語 / Other languages > Deutsch / ドイツ語

Level: 448

(english below)

ich hoffe ich habe hier das richtige Subforum erwischt. Seit einiger Zeit bemerke ich, dass die Qualität der deutschen Übersetzung in Teilen zu wünschen übrig lässt (nicht böse gemeint! Auch ich engagiere mich hier je nachdem, wie ich Zeit habe, als freiwilliger Übersetzer). Ein Beispiel: als Übersetzung für das Wort ist eingetragen:

"1. wann, zu welcher Zeit, wenn, Binse, Juncus effusus var. decipiens, Gallenblase, Wildschwein, Wildsau, Sus scrofa, Orchidee, Orchidea, Wildschwein

2. Wildschwein, zwölftes Tier im chinesischen Tierkreis

3. zwölfte Doppelstunde, neun bis elf Uhr abends, fünfzig, 50, fünf, 5, Wilder, Barbar, fünf, fünf, der Fünfte"

Was mWn nicht dem Sinn des Wortes entspricht. In allen japanisch-englischen Übersetzungen, welche ich gefunden habe, wird schlicht mit "five", also "fünf" übersetzt - für die anderen oben genannten Übersetzungen konnte ich keinerlei Belege finden. Das ist schon ein sehr grober Übersetzungsfehler, meistens sind die Fehler subtiler und fallen mir erst auf, wenn mir etwas komisch vorkommt und ich es in einem anderen, englisch-japanischen Wörterbuch nachschlage.

Andere Übersetzungsfehler treten derart auf, dass bspw. das Wort im falschen Typ übersetzt wird - so wird oft aus einem japanischen Nomen ein deutsches Verb oder Adjektiv.

Ich poste hier vor allem (vorausgesetzt ich übersehe nicht irgendwas, und der Fehler liegt bei mir) um eine effiziente Lösung des Problems zu finden. Bisher gehe ich so vor: Ich finde einen Fehler in einer Übersetzung, melde ihn, erläutere das Problem (auf Englisch) und schlage eine Korrektur vor. Nun vergehen mehrere Tage bis Wochen, bis das Wort wieder in einem Lernplan auftaucht, und siehe da: die fehlerhafte Übersetzung steht immer noch da! Von dem gemeldeten Fehler höre ich nie wieder etwas. Ich passe die Bedeutung in Folge für mich selbst an. Hieraus entsteht jedoch das Problem, dass der Übersetzungsfehler für alle anderen und für neue Lerner bestehen bleibt, ggf. ohne dass diese den Fehler bemerken.

Viele Grüße


Hello everyone,
I hope I've found the right sub here. For quite some time I've noticed that the quality of the German translation leaves a lot to be desired (no offence! I also volunteer here as a translator when I have the time). An example: the translation for the word is entered as:

"1. when, at what time, when, rush, Juncus effusus var. decipiens, gall bladder, wild boar, wild sow, Sus scrofa, orchid, orchidea, wild boar

2. wild boar, twelfth animal in the Chinese zodiac

3. twelfth double hour, nine to eleven o'clock in the evening, fifty, 50, five, five, savage, barbarian, five, five, the fifth"

Which I don't think corresponds to the meaning of the word at all. In all the Japanese-English translations I found, is simply translated as "five" - I could not find any evidence for the other translations mentioned above. This is already a very gross translation error, most of the time the mistakes are more subtle and I only notice them when something seems off to me and I look it up in a different English-Japanese dictionary.

Other translation errors are such that, for example, the word is translated in the wrong type - so a Japanese noun often becomes a German verb or adjective.

I'm posting here mainly (assuming I'm not overlooking something, and the fault is mine) to find an efficient solution to the problem. So far I have proceeded like this: I find an error in a translation, report it, explain the problem (in English) and suggest a correction. Several days or weeks pass before the word appears again in a schedule, aaand: the incorrect translation is still there! I never hear anything about the reported error again. I then customise the meaning for myself. However, this creates the problem that the error in the translation remains for everyone else and for new learners, possibly without them noticing the error.

Best regards

8 months ago
Report Content
Level: 283

With German, the majority of definitions are coming in from an external project, via the JMDict project. I have definitely had some suspect ones reported to me.

I do go through the reports, but it is sometimes a month before the batches I go through (I recently went through them about 2 weeks ago). Usually, when the approval is accepted, no message is sent back, but if there are any issues with it, I do send back a comment.

Recently, I've also made a number of updates to make it easier for renshuu to "protect" changes that we've made so that any updates from the original dictionary do not overwrite the ones we've made here.

I believe the easiest and fastest way, at the moment, is to do the following:

1. Go to Community > Translation Center

2. Change to "all terms"

3. Lookup the term, then submit a new definition there (unfortunately, when looking up a term here, it will not show the incorrect definition, just the English one.

I also, within the next week, place to cut myself out of the correction process for foreign definitions, and pass through all suggestions made in the "report correction" box go straight into this system, which has more eyes on it, and given that they are native speakers, it'll be much easier for them to judge if it's a good fit as an update.

I do appreciate you bringing this up - I've made a ton of changes over the last six weeks to help our volunteer translators, and comments like this help me improve things even more.

8 months ago
Report Content
Level: 283

Update: the new pass-through that will get those corrections directly into the translation check system will go up tomorrow!

8 months ago
Report Content
Level: 448

I believe the easiest and fastest way, at the moment, is to do the following:

1. Go to Community > Translation Center

2. Change to "all terms"

3. Lookup the term, then submit a new definition there (unfortunately, when looking up a term here, it will not show the incorrect definition, just the English one.

Thanks, I will try that

8 months ago
Report Content
Level: 1073

I'm posting here mainly (assuming I'm not overlooking something, and the fault is mine) to find an efficient solution to the problem. So far I have proceeded like this: I find an error in a translation, report it, explain the problem (in English) and suggest a correction. Several days or weeks pass before the word appears again in a schedule, aaand: the incorrect translation is still there! I never hear anything about the reported error again. I then customise the meaning for myself. However, this creates the problem that the error in the translation remains for everyone else and for new learners, possibly without them noticing the error.

That's exactly what happens with Spanish translations too!

Update: the new pass-through that will get those corrections directly into the translation check system will go up tomorrow!

I'm looking forward to that update. Thank you!

8 months ago
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