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Forums - Vocab Helper Schedules

Top > renshuu.org > Feature Requests/Improvements > Experimental features

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Level: 283

This is the final part of the features discussed here: https://new.renshuu.org/forums...

In short, this will create a vocabulary schedule that hooks onto a kanji schedule you already have. Based on the settings you choose, it will automatically populate the vocab schedule with words as you study kanji in your kanji schedule!

As you can see, you can choose how many words you want to be added for each reading that you are expected to know. You can also choose one or many sources from which you can pull the vocabulary (although it will always prefer more common vocab.)

After the schedule is initially set up, new words will be added/removed from the schedule whenever you do the following

1. Study a kanji in the kanji schedule for the first time

2. Add/remove a kanji that you've studied before.

3. Mark a reading as known/unknown for one of the studied kanji in the schedule.


1. This is ideal for users who choose a kanji reading filter setting that is *not* "readings I pick up in vocabulary". This is because this schedule style puts kanji at the top, and generates words from there. So choosing "renshuu recommended" or one of the school levels will be best.

2. It only populates it with words for kanji that you've studied. So if you are starting with a new kanji schedule, the word helper schedule will be empty, then populate as you study the kanji.

7 months ago
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Level: 755

Pretty neat! Thanks so much. Have a question already, is this supposed to add also words with 2+ kanjis where 1 kanji is not in the kanji schedule? I would like to exclude words that have other kanji (whether known or unknown).

Also again (a bit unrelated to the feature) I would like to ask again at this point why the writing vector for vocab does not include a "Show only hints" option as it does for the kanji schedule vectors. I was told that it's not possible to implement with the system setup but wouldn't it be the same for vocab as for kanji? It already has the Show trace then disappear option, I'd rather have the trace disappear immediately (if u get what i mean). It's self grade anyway so I can't wrap my head around why it shouldn't work.

The way I want to quiz is, I want to be prompted to transcribe a word (by meaning and/or reading, doesn't matter for me) into kanji. I can do that with the writing vector, but it always shows the trace, I just don't want the trace to appear.

Right now I'm using the kana to kanji before instead, using type if possible and handwriting keyboard. If I could use the word helper in combination with the writing vector, that would be amazing!

6 months ago
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Level: 283

It does not exclude them if the other kanji is unknown - you are going to get almost no words with that for anything other than a schedule with 200-300 already known kanji, so it would somewhat defeat the purpose of it.

As to the writing, I cannot comment on it here - it'll muddy up this thread. Please bring it up in a separate thread, and I'll be happy to discuss it there.

6 months ago
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Level: 755

Yes, sorry, I'll make a new post, just mentioned it since I think it is good to use those features in tandem. Thanks for answering though!

I understand that a schedule with a few hundred kanjis might not have many combination vocab, was looking more at my 1500 collection. But this might also be because I'm more interested in filtering words (to practice writing) than acquiring new words. So I might not be the intended audience in this case.

6 months ago
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Level: 688

I just tried this starting with KK10 and only checking the 6k word list box.

What is the source of the core 6k word list? Is it the lists by ドリス? If so, the produced list contains 生ずる which does not seem to be in those lists.

ちぎる was also added to the list, but it is rarely written as 千切る. Is it intended for terms with rare readings to show up and be studied as hiragana only?

6 months ago
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Level: 283

ハシュミナ - thanks, I'll think on that as a possible settings option. The settings box is already pretty big, so I don't want to add so many that it scares away potential users in the future.

ブルブルクン - I just redid the core tag, I think there was a small issue with it. Yes, by ドリス. If you go into your schedule and change any of the settings for the helper, it should rebuild the list.

I can't believe I forgot to remove common-hiragana terms! Just fixed that. The settings trick I mentioned above will rebuild the list, and hopefully yank it out.

Potential settings

At the moment, there have been (here or otherwise) threesuggested settings. I welcome feedback from others on them:

1. Only include words that have ALL known kanji. Would include warning to let the user know that could leave some kanji/reading pairs from being studied.

2. Prioritize words that are unknown

3. Also include kanji that have been marked as known (lightbulb), but have not been studied.

6 months ago
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Level: 688

It seems maybe there is a new issue with the core tag. When I select only core 6k, no words appear in the schedule. Any other selection results in a reasonable looking schedule.

6 months ago
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Level: 283

Please try once more :)

6 months ago
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Level: 688

Looking good! Terms seem good, and no hiragana only terms. Thanks!

6 months ago
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Level: 688

I just noticed something, which is words from kunyomi are not appearing in the helper schedule. I think this isn't intended.

For example, I just created a kanji list with a single kanji and then created a helper schedule with "all words". It contains 2 words only: 大切 and 一切 which are only onyomi. It is not able to add the word 切る for example.

Kunyomi readings that are whole words (no okurigana) work fine, such as

6 months ago
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Level: 283

I'm getting them in mind (although the prioritizing could probably do some work) - I see (きって).

If you tap View Terms for your *kanji* schedule, does it show one or more kunyomi readings as "present" for studying?

6 months ago
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Level: 283

Actually, even better now. You may want to go into settings, more settings, then change a helper value in there (so it recalculates the contents).

6 months ago
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Level: 688

Nice, it's looking much better now!

6 months ago
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Level: 688

Something to keep in mind: With the (now reverted) rare readings update earlier, some terms in the helper schedule became hiragana only.

6 months ago
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Level: 283

That'll fix itself the next time it is rebuilt (the schedule), or the settings changed on the helper.

6 months ago
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Level: 688

So the terms I've learned may suddenly disappear from the helper schedule, and new replacement terms added? I'm not sure that's ideal. I think I don't really mind it, based on how I'm using this feature, but other people may find it surprising.

6 months ago
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Level: 283

Because it's currently in an experimental state, there is going to be rough patches as it reaches towards a mature state.

6 months ago
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Level: 688

Found in the settings page for this kind of schedule:


"vhelper_sett" => "Word helper schedule settings",

5 months ago
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Level: 283

Fixed it, thanks!

5 months ago
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Level: 688

VHELPER_SETT# is back.

Additionally, n2 and n4 are somehow flipped in the settings. Selecting one of them and then editing and saving without making changes will flip between the two.

4 months ago
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