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Forums - [Discussion] Spring/Summer Feature - Kanji / Word learning overhaul

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Level: 283

This thread is for discussing the late spring/early summer rebuild of renshuu's kanji learning systems. It will not replace what we have, but add new ways for learning.

**Current System**

1. The introduction of kanji and vocabulary are not dependent on one another - they both proceed separately.2. With the experimental system for kanji reading filters, you can choose between readings that are renshuu recommended, elementary (school) level, middle, high school, or all.3. In addition, any readings that you learn through vocabulary are added if the kanji is already in a schedule.
The below is currently a proposal, and I'd like feedback on how this would work for you. Essentially, there will be three ways of learning (up from the current one)

A. "Classic" mode (mostly same as current)

In this mode, kanji and vocabulary schedules proceed separately. This is the same as above.

However, you'll also be able to select "vocab readings only" for your kanji filter. With this system, renshuu will not recommend any readings, no matter how common they are. In other words, if you start a kanji schedule and you have not studied any words with those kanji in them, onyomi/kunyomi questions will be unavailable for those kanji.
Instead, any vocabulary you learn will add their kanji readings into your kanji data, so you *only* learn readings in vocabulary you study. Of course, any readings you manually mark as known will also appear.

B. Vocab -> Kanji mode

In this new mode, a kanji schedule will be attached to one or more vocabulary schedules. You cannot add lists to it yourself, but you can add individual kanji via the + button (like usual).Instead, all kanji that appears in words will automatically get added to your kanji schedule.

So if you studied the word for the first time, it would add those two kanji into your kanji schedule. The readings that you'd study would be determined by the kanji reading filter mentioned above.

C. Kanji -> Vocab mode

In this new mode, you can make a helper vocab schedule that is attached to your kanji schedule. Consider the kanji schedule as your "main" schedule.
As you learn kanji, a certain number of vocabulary will be added to your vocab schedule automatically. The vocab added will be determined by a number of settings, including (but not limited to)

1. JLPT Level

2. # of words per reading

So for example, your settings may say "add up to 3 words for each reading (again, limited by kanji reading filter), drawn from all JLPT words", or it may say "add 5 most common jlpt words that use this kanji"
(I am particularly interested in what other conditions you'd like to attach to this system)

Now, while each of these systems is relatively simple, making all three available to users (while keeping the interface from getting too complicated) will be tricky.

I would like to hear your thoughts on these ideas, criticisms, requests, etc.

Note: This thread is ONLY for discussing the above proposals, or anything related to kanji readings and/or how renshuu associates your kanji and words with one another.

10 months ago
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As someone who has spent quite a lot of time doing things the old way, there is nothing here that catches my interest all that much. I would probably turn on (B), but I probably already have most if not all of those kanji in my schedule already.

10 months ago
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Level: 589

I would go for option A simply because I like to manually sort the kanji I study into JLPT mastery level schedules. I am interested in some kind of setting that only adds new kanji that are outside of your schedules to a lesson. E.g. if my N5 schedule has and I study , it won't automatically add to the new kanji schedule. However, if I study something odd like and it isn't in any of my schedules, it will automatically add it to the new kanji schedule so I can study it later. (I hope this makes sense, I can clarify some things if necessary.) Option C also sounds nice and I will probably enable it when I start reviewing kunyomi/onyomi readings for kanji.

10 months ago
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Level: 816

I'm very excited about the reading from vocab filter and that should be default checked imo setting (we always get a lot of questions from newcomers how to disable less common readings etc).

btw how does the on/kun vector handle when a new reading is activated? How does it affect mastery, will it be immediately appear in quizzes again?

I probably would use both A (kanji from lists) and B (kanji for all vocab).

10 months ago
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Level: 280

b would be great ty

10 months ago
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Level: 1371

At this stage in my learning, I think I want to keep things the way they are, so I'll be using "A: Classic mode"

My only concern is if this change will cause some readings, that I'm currently studying, to somehow become unknown during the change. (It doesn't appear like that will happen though.).

10 months ago
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Level: 350

I'd use B.

10 months ago
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Level: 283

Just a quick note: the different modes are not in competition: I do plan to add all three at once.

10 months ago
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Level: 218

Implementing B would be very awesome, although I think it should be flexible in some way.

For example, I do not want to have all vocab linked, so there should be an option to link kanji if I added new words to the schedule.


10 months ago
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Level: 283

It might be tricky to ask for "do you want to add this kanji" (and then, "which kanji do you want to add") for each word, but perhaps some kind of filter. For example "add all kanji found in words up to jlpt n2" (or whatever).

Also, to clarify how renshuu does (and will) handle readings in the system.

Basically, there are two sets of reading values that renshuu maintains.

A - "you should know" readings - these are what will be selected by the kanji filter above. So this could be no readings, renshuu recommend readings, all readings, etc. These are *not* saved in your kanji data - they are a filter on all the readings in the renshuu dictionary.

B - "you know" reading - these are readings that fall into one of the following categories:

B1 - You have marked it as known

B2 - You have studied this reading (in other words, it was a "you should know" reading, appeared in the quiz, and now you "know" it)

B3 - Readings added via the new B system mentioned above.

Because of this, regardless of the filter you choose, your account will always hold onto those known readings. So if you, for example, have readings A, B, and C for a kanji, then change the filter to only show renshuu recommend ones, it will not remove "C" just because it's a more rare reading.

So, both the visible readings as well as the study-able readings will always be an overlap of both categories.

10 months ago
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Level: 867

This is really exciting and I'm really looking forward to these new study methods!

1. Request

I've been doing <B> manually, but I've been doing it for mastery levels instead of vocab lists. So if a word reaches mastery level 9, I add any unknown kanji it uses to a kanji schedule. Would it be possible to have this happen automatically? Add kanji from words that have reached mastery level X?

2. Question
If I attach a kanji schedule to a vocab schedule that I've already finished learning and has no new words, what order will the kanji appear on that list? What I think would be useful is if the kanji would appear in the order of frequency. So that I learn the kanji that is used in the most words first, and kanji that is used the least last.

3. Concern
I hope this will also include kanji that is used for words that are frequently written in kana, if we have the setting to turn on kanji for those words on.

4. Request

I would be very excited for <C> if it had options to draw from a frequency list outside of the JLPT list for those who have already finished going through the JLPT decks or those who are not studying the JLPT.

10 months ago
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Level: 1110

These modes all sound like ways I've set up my own kanji/vocab studies at different stages of learning, just automated, so I think it's a good spread to capture different people's learning preferences and different levels. I agree though that it sounds like a lot of options to cram into the UI and get the user to understand what kind of schedule they're making without scaring newbies away... maybe it would be cleaner as a pop-up or a check-box option that users enable at the same time they make a new kanji schedule -- e.g. "Would you like to link this schedule to a vocab schedule?"

Since these all involve tracking the crossover between a user's kanji & vocab knowledge, it would be nice to be able to use that data in Advanced Search as well. Like, filtering words by "includes kanji readings I have studied" or populating kanji with "appears in words in XYZ list/schedule". That way us control freaks who like doing things manually can build our own Mode B- or Mode C-style lists that are more fine-tuned to our preferences, without needing to clutter up the automated schedules with hyper-specific filtering options.

And jumping off of WildAtelier's idea, I think the new study modes would marry well with additional options for controlling the order new terms are introduced in. Prioritizing by overall frequency or JLPT level would be good options, and maybe by stroke order (i.e. simpler kanji first), or personalized frequency (how many times it appears in a user's schedules).

10 months ago
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Level: 283

This is really exciting and I'm really looking forward to these new study methods!

1. Request

I've been doing manually, but I've been doing it for mastery levels instead of vocab lists. So if a word reaches mastery level 9, I add any unknown kanji it uses to a kanji schedule. Would it be possible to have this happen automatically? Add kanji from words that have reached mastery level X?

2. Question
If I attach a kanji schedule to a vocab schedule that I've already finished learning and has no new words, what order will the kanji appear on that list? What I think would be useful is if the kanji would appear in the order of frequency. So that I learn the kanji that is used in the most words first, and kanji that is used the least last.

3. Concern
I hope this will also include kanji that is used for words that are frequently written in kana, if we have the setting to turn on kanji for those words on.

4. Request

I would be very excited for if it had options to draw from a frequency list outside of the JLPT list for those who have already finished going through the JLPT decks or those who are not studying the JLPT.

Nothing is set in stone yet, of course, but at least from the get go, both B and C will most likely *not* be possible for already existing schedules (at least, not the secondary schedule). So if you've got a kanji schedule and you want to auto-populate a vocab schedule, that vocab schedule will need to be new something like 'add a vocab helper schedule to this'. Applying these new systems on top of existing schedules will be a nightmare, as both B and C completely control the contents of the secondary (helper) schedules, so it would not make a lot of sense to also have "adjust materials", ability to add/remove lists, etc.

10 months ago
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Level: 867

What if I create a new schedule but add kanji that I've already learned? Will I be able to make a helper schedule for a new schedule that only has words/kanji that I've already learned?

10 months ago
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Level: 283

My vision of this has it so that it is this:

1. All known (studied at least once) kanji will have vocabulary populated in the helper schedule, based on settings

and not

2. Kanji will only populate the vocabulary schedule populated when the kanji is learned the first time.

Additionally, while it may be a setting to only add vocabulary that you haven't studied, I think that setting will backfire for a lot of users - it may force overly rare (and unused) words into the schedule because the most common words have already been learned.

10 months ago
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Level: 867

Ahh <1> sounds great!

Could there be parameters for <2; unstudied vocab> such as the frequency list (Common 13k/News 24k), not just the JLPT list? That way it wouldn't include rare/archaic words? So something like:

Add unstudied words from News 24k. If not available, add nothing.

Would something like this be possible?

10 months ago
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Level: 283

I'll try to add as many options without it becoming cumbersome.

10 months ago
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Will those modes somehow alter my schedules or are they simply additions? Like if I want to keep things the way they are currently for studying kanji and vocab, this update won't change the way I'd study those schedules?

10 months ago
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Level: 283

Nothing will be forced or automatically changed :)

10 months ago
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Level: 271

Option C sounds AMAZING! I am learning kanji exclusively through vocab and this is something I would really find helpful in renshuu! I'm really excited about this.

Conditions/settings that I would like:
- Yes to what you are already planning, all of that would be helpful

I have tried learning by readings or by using something like RTK which completely failed for me in the past. So for me, option B is not of any interest or help personally. But what I like about renshuu is how we can customize it, so it's great that you're thinking of planning that. If I did want to learn by readings/individual kanji than I could see that being helpful.

10 months ago
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