Vocabulary dictionary

Kanji dictionary

Grammar dictionary

Sentence lookup


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Level: 283

add/remove content is through the put/delete actions on words/kanji/grammar (just like if you were to push the + button).

I don't think I'll be opening up all the community lists into the API, unless I hear a compelling usage case as for why. My lists, though, I could see (ones that you made, anyway). Even that, though, I'd like to hear about expected usages of such an endpoint if it was put together.

8 months ago
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Level: 355

add/remove content is through the put/delete actions on words/kanji/grammar (just like if you were to push the + button).

I don't think I'll be opening up all the community lists into the API, unless I hear a compelling usage case as for why. My lists, though, I could see (ones that you made, anyway). Even that, though, I'd like to hear about expected usages of such an endpoint if it was put together.

Yes, 'my' lists, was not sure how to correctly name them.

Well.. I use ocr software, to capture characters from Manga or video.

All the captured text is saved into the file. Instead of manually picking words from that file and adding them to the list in renshuu, I'd love to add them to the list in renshuu via ocr software I use.

I usually ocr whole bubble of text in manga or via mpv pipe I get whole subtitle line. Then ocr software allows me to select portion of captured text and send it somewhere for (obviously) translation (I.e. Jisho), but it is possible to add custom links. So instead of picking words from file and adding them to the list, it'd be way easier to add them as soon as I've just captured text.

Probably it'd be better for me to make proof of concept to see if it really works as I expect, since it is non-trivial usage.

I will write small application and come back after tests :)

Will take a bit of time as currently I'm out of country, sorry :/

8 months ago
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All the captured text is saved into the file. Instead of manually picking words from that file and adding them to the list in renshuu, I'd love to add them to the list in renshuu via ocr software I use.

Wouldn’t Reading Buddy be the best way to do this?

EDIT: I meant the text analyzer. Got the names mixed up.

8 months ago
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Level: 283

I think they're referring to a)full sentences (and not words as much), as well as the best-guess auto-parsing that comes in via the text analyzer or chunks of text you get when pasting into the vocab dict.

8 months ago
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Maybe you could extend Reading Buddy so that it can add sentences too? It would have to be optional, probably, and pro only.

*text analyzer

8 months ago
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Level: 283

It has been suggested! I don't want to go any more offtopic, but it'll probably become an option when I make the auto-parse option available for private sentences.

8 months ago
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Level: 355

I think they're referring to a)full sentences (and not words as much), as well as the best-guess auto-parsing that comes in via the text analyzer or chunks of text you get when pasting into the vocab dict.


Let's say I push overall 3-5k words from a single episode into text analyzer.

They are all sentences.

Number of words is that big because I capture all the subtitles. Also from time to time I rewind for different reasons, thus duplicates.

Then I filter them with text analyzer's built-in functions to lower number to, let's say 500 and then manually remove words that I feel are not needed. Last time it took around 10-20 mins. It is not that much and I can live with it, but if there is a possibility to automate it - I'd be glad to do so.

TL;DR adding words with 1 click is way easier than with 4-5 clicks every 10 seconds.

Automation saves so much time.

8 months ago
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Level: 355
All the captured text is saved into the file. Instead of manually picking words from that file and adding them to the list in renshuu, I'd love to add them to the list in renshuu via ocr software I use.

Wouldn’t Reading Buddy be the best way to do this?

And it works, no issues.

My point is not that UI functionality is not enough. My point is that if there is a possibility to automate it, make it easier - why not?

Even if my request is declined, I will continue with reading buddy and text analyzer as they already save a lot of time.

8 months ago
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Level: 283

Let's shelf this conversation in this thread, and feel free to bring it up in a separate one - it's definitely a discussion I'd like to continue having.

8 months ago
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Level: 283

Vocab only, and not yet documented, but user data (missed/correct counts, mastery level, per vector data, when to study next, etc.) loaded in.

8 months ago
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Level: 283

Extended to kanji/grammar, included in docs.

I'm still figuring out what the best way to handle fetching user lists would be - a schedule could potentially have thousands of terms, so I guess just the same 50 per page as usual?

8 months ago
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Level: 283


now available! parameters up on docs page. Available for all but conjugation schedules.

8 months ago
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Level: 283

Re-opened the /list parameter for schedules :)

8 months ago
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Level: 187

Hi, I to keep the daily item's to review around a certain number. Since the daily items to review can vary a lot a forecast for the next few days would be really helpfull. Since renshuu doen't have that feature (or I'm too blind to find it ) I tried to gobble something together with the API.

I found a error in the documentation:

"/schedule/{id}/list" .contents.terms is documented as
"Array< Kanji | SimpleSentence | Word >"
but seems to be
"Array< Kanji | Sentence(?) | Word | Grammar >"

With Sentence(?) beeing undocumented.

You can find the POC here: https://seath.de/forecast/

And I have a question regarding the request rate limit. Since the way I gather the data produces many requests ((termCountInSchedule/pageSize) per schedule).

With testing around (and a bug) I ran into the limit pretty fast. What is roughly the limit? And is there a way to get a whole schedule in one call or at least increase the pageSize?

8 months ago
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Level: 283

renshuu can show upcoming review counts (you can see it if you tap on a schedule's name and go to the schedule summary), but it does not try to calculate where terms that are studied today will go in the future, so the numbers can be quite accurate (in a more mature schedule), or way low in a schedule with new terms / lots of terms in the level 1-3 range.

Currently, rate is 100 per day, I think. I plan on exposing the usage numbers sooner than later. I just moved it to 500 for now, but I'd like to get a better feel for how many you (and others) would like to have, and for what specific reasons. That'll give me a better feel for what it should be set at (and it'll most likely be higher for renshuu pro users).

I do need to clean up the documentation on /list a bit - it was added last (I was excited to get it in, and so I did not put as much time into the docs as I usually do.)

Edit: if you think those forecast days would be useful, I can add them into the api.

8 months ago
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Level: 187

renshuu can show upcoming review counts (you can see it if you tap on a schedule's name and go to the schedule summary), [...]

Huh? I can't see it. Is it supposed to look different than this?

[Edit: Damn I AM blind . In my defence it's labeled with "past 4 days" xD]

"terms in the level 1-3 range":
That would be ok, but seems the whole widget is missing.

"I just moved it to 500 for now"

"I do need to clean up [...]":
No worries, just wanted to let you know, could've been new information.

"if you think those forecast days would be useful, I can add them into the api.":
That would be nice. Even if I can summon back the missing widget somehow, it would allow for a better overview across all schedules.

8 months ago
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79 20 25 32 16 15 8

I believe these are the numbers Michael is talking about.

I’ve never found them to be all that useful as an end user, but they might serve as data for a smart motivation widget, if anyone desires to write such a thing.

8 months ago
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Level: 283

I'm hoping to get some api work in wed/thur this week.

8 months ago
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Level: 283

"upcoming" field documented and added to schedules

/list/all/{termtype} now available (and documented).

termtype can be vocab, kanji, grammar, or sent

/list/{id} also available for personal lists (but there is not yet an endpoint for getting a list of your lists)

For /list/{id}, other than the contents, id, and title, any other info you want on it?

8 months ago
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Level: 283

/lists is up :)

8 months ago
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