Vocabulary dictionary

Kanji dictionary

Grammar dictionary

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Private sentences have a discussion speech balloon that doesn’t do anything when clicked. This is not unreasonable, since there is no one else to have a discussion with, but it would be better not to show the balloon in the first place.

1 year ago
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Level: 283

Excellent point - I'll have it removed in the next update.

1 year ago
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Level: 283

Big batch of updates!

The biggest one is the new schedule layout - you'll need to go into the settings panel and turn it on under Experimental.

**[Improvement]** Garden - when placing a new item, always appears in the center, on top of everything else.
**[Improvement]** + buttons to expand definitions in quizzes appear more consistently
**[Improvement]** New heart buttons! Not quite everywhere yet, but has a clearer on/off version
**[Fix]** Challenges filter better based on settings, and more sentence-based challenges
**[Name changes]** Lesson Center -> Community Lists, Japanese Basics -> Japanese Lessons, learning pace : pace
**[Improvement]** Full rewrite of the internals of the "Complete the Vocab" kanji quiz mode, making it more robust for alternate (but correct) answers
**[Improvement]** (kokuji) marker in kanji definitions de-emphasized. (hiragana) and (katakana) de-emphasized on kana cards
**[Feature]** Audio speed - search for "audio" in the settings panel in order to slow down renshuu's recorded audio.
**[Feature]** Sentence notes - you can now add and view notes on sentences in renshuu's library!
**[Feature]** New kanji reading setting - replacing the "rare kanji readings" setting, the new one let's you show/hide kanji readings based on if and when they are taught in Japanese schools.
**[Improvement]** Text Analyzer gives more alternate word selections in new texts

1 year ago
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Level: 465

I'm trying out the new conjugation schedules and noticed something that could be improved - as you can see in the screenshot below, the conjugation example text reads sequentially as:

1. Conjugated verb

2. Base verb

However, the steps given below the example are in the order of:

1. Base Verb

2. Conjugated Verb

which feels "backwards" when trying to parse the steps as they apply to the text. I think it would improve the user experience a great deal to make the examples and instructions consistent - it's not a big deal for one or two cards but when doing a lot of studying it can be frustrating to interrupt the "flow" of information.

(I hope this is the proper place to leave feedback, if it isn't please let me know and I'll post it elsewhere )

1 year ago
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I was also puzzled by this. Looking at it in English, I think the issue is mostly a matter of formatting. One way to fix it would be to insert some boilerplate text before the dictionary entry. Something like

To conjugate, start with the dictionary form
1 year ago
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Level: 266

Here's another possible way to rearrange it:

1 year ago
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Level: 283

These are excellent points, and I really agree that it could be improved. To be honest, it seems obvious to me now, but I had not thought about it until you (all) mentioned it!

I'm on a reduced work schedule because of the holidays, but I'll definitely make some changes soon.

1 year ago
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Level: 283

**[Content]** More grammar lessons (N4)

**[Improvement]** Redone 'Manage your schedule' page!

**[Improvement]** Pro links moved to pro page

**[Improvement]** Ordering of the info for conjugation introductions has been changed. In addition, a note has been added to all ぬ verb cards to note the usage of しぬ.

1 year ago
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Level: 351

For the conjugation lists, it seems like after every quiz, the schefule settings automatically unchecks "type/write answers whenever possible", so I have to go back in and recheck it.

1 year ago
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Level: 483

I’m not sure if this is specific to the experimental server, but the button to move stuff between schedules on a quiz result seems to have disappeared:

Maybe I’m using schedules weirdly, but I use that to adjust which schedule a word is in a lot. (I have a typing-enabled schedule but I don’t want brand-new words in it, so once a word feels like I kinda know it, I move it mid-quiz to the typing-enabled schedule.)

1 year ago
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Level: 283

For the conjugation lists, it seems like after every quiz, the schefule settings automatically unchecks "type/write answers whenever possible", so I have to go back in and recheck it.

Thanks - can you give me a specific set of steps (as in, exactly where you tap/click to start the quiz, etc.) - and if possible, see if it happens to you if you start the quiz and then immediately end it.

As to the missing + button, that's definitely an oversight. I'll make sure it gets back in there!

1 year ago
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When I “hide” a sentence by toggling the eye, I continue to see the sentence in quizzes, whether I have submitted edits or not. The only difference is that the eye now has a red slash. I assume this change was made for testing, but it needs to be changed back before merging the sites.

1 year ago
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Level: 351

For the conjugation lists, it seems like after every quiz, the schefule settings automatically unchecks "type/write answers whenever possible", so I have to go back in and recheck it.

Thanks - can you give me a specific set of steps (as in, exactly where you tap/click to start the quiz, etc.) - and if possible, see if it happens to you if you start the quiz and then immediately end it.

As to the missing + button, that's definitely an oversight. I'll make sure it gets back in there!

It's not doing it anymore... maybe it was fixed? I'll comment again with specifics if it happens again.

1 year ago
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Level: 283

The + button should be back in the ... menus

I'd need to have specific examples of the sentence issue (ideally, with an in-quiz but report) so I can knock it out, thanks!

1 year ago
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The + button should be back in the ... menus

I'd need to have specific examples of the sentence issue (ideally, with an in-quiz but report) so I can knock it out, thanks!

all right. Incoming

1 year ago
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Level: 204

The + button should be back in the ... menus

I've been observing this... could I ask if the hide/block button could also be added back?

1 year ago
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Level: 283

The block button should be back - if you find it missing anywhere, please reply to this message with a screenshot.

1 year ago
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The “you’ve gotten a reply” link pictured above doesn’t show the sentence or the reply. This is a strange place to put the notice too. I’d prefer an alert in my inbox.

1 year ago
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Level: 283

You didn't get an inbox message? I'm not even sure how that message is appearing in there, let me look into it.

1 year ago
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Level: 283

Ah, I know what it is. Two text strings in renshuu had the same id. It should have (and now does) read "Reply to this", as in, for someone else to reply to it.

Additionally, I've set it so that there is no reply link for your own notes.

1 year ago
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Getting the posts

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