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Anything Goes
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no!what happened to my kao-chan
report! News!
ermmmm…….. I can’t see anything.
Make a news called kao news
No! What happened to my kao-chan
Oh, now I see. That happens every 31st of every month. (for @Duofruit)
And for my current garden, the turtle and deer are looking forward to Christmas!!! They just saw Santa!
but no one else cares…
oh you can news
A few new things just added (under recently added)
He’s not kidding about the mega size.
It’s animated too.
Kidding about the oden stand udon?
Kidding about the oden stand udon?
Oden is perfect in winter
Especially from stalls, because the soup has been cooking all day long and warms you right up.
He’s not kidding about the mega size.
It’s animated too.
the oden and the ramen food stalls are so cute Thank you, マイケルさんとさきさん!
Santa has chosen this sled. And he wants the sparrow to pull it...
Lounging like a Roman emperor
two holidays in the same time… but why is Santa giving it to Halloween?(maybe it made no sense, sowwy)
Turtle: Get out, I need my sleep!
Cat: *too absorbed in dancing
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Anything Goes
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