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This topic is tied to the below grammar expression in the grammar library.
1. Completely A, exactly A
He is standing right in the middle of the road.
Top > 日本語を勉強しましょう / Let's study Japanese! > Anything About Japanese > Grammar Library Talk

Level: 183

I'm just leaving a note because there's no indication of JLPT level for this grammar point.

It's N4 in other resources.


not found in:

A Dictionary of (Basic/Intermediate/Advanced) Japanese Grammar

A Handbook of Japanese Grammar Patterns for Teachers and Learners

3 years ago
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Level: 121

It's kind of confusing that the example given for っ is the unusual reading of ...
Also, is anything not listed just constructed as +[word]? If so, I feel like that should be indicated... and also, that would make つ another confusing example...

22 days ago
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Those are good points by @emanresU

Morphological rules like this one are often more straightforward to present in romaji or pseudo-IPA. Hiragana just obscures what’s happening phonetically.

This rule is also easier to understand as a two step process:

  • Ma + Q + adjective
  • Q realization
22 days ago
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