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Forums - How to study grammar especially for N2/N1

Top > 日本語を勉強しましょう / Let's study Japanese! > Exams Talk: JLPT, Kanji Kentei

Level: 63

Hey there!

so I was curious on how people who passed the N2/N1 study for grammar on here I've been doing マスターN2 pretty consistently but found out that I didn't pass the December N2 test last week (only by 7 points at that!) and of course my lowest score was grammar. So I've been coming here to supplement it (loving it so far btw) but with the book as well as this app when it comes to Grammar specifically (studying kanji and words feels super rewarding) it feels I'm running my head into a wall getting around 50-33% every time on the grammar reviews here and in the book. So I was there wondering if there were any materials or methods out there I could try to get these grammar points in my head easier.

3 years ago
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Level: 1147

In addition to studying grammar, are you getting enough practice reading actual Japanese content? I passed both N1 and N2 with grammar scores in the 50s, and I found the best way for me to remember grammar was repeated exposure through reading, combined with daily quizzing.

3 years ago
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Level: 63

Yeah good call, I've been trying to work more Japanese content into my media diet mostly manga thus far which is pretty easy to grasp with the pictures and all, however this year my goal is to finish at least 2 novels completely in Japanese starting with the books the kids read in elementary school and working my way up to the natsume sosekis and yasunari kawabatas, I also read newspaper articles from time to time but those can get pretty rough at points with grammar. Definitely make more of an effort moving toward that goal now that you mention it, thanks for the advice!

3 years ago
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Level: 586

I'm in the same boat as you my dude, failed by 4 points (super frustrating) with of course grammar being my weakest. I think my problem is although I can recognise the grammar and have a vague idea of what it means, for real world use/reproduction I'm missing the mark. As the person above mentioned, this time around I'm gunna spend less time in the textbooks are more time reading and writing (trying to use the grammar I have studied). Grammar for me though is the most boring thing in the world though (¬_¬"). Anyway best of luck with ya studies!

3 years ago
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Level: 364

I passed N2 but Grammar was definitely the hardest for me. I like the Bunpo app for studying grammar. What really helped me is trying to use the grammar, like writing sentences. Of course you're not going to know yourself if you're using it right but the forums here and Discord are good places to have others check your sentences. I found Hinative is another good site to get your writing checked. In my study I also focused on one Shin Kanzen Master chapter at a time, studied a single grammar point and its example sentences, then practiced writing my own sentences based on the examples.

3 years ago
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Level: 222

If your goal is to pass JLPT get one of the few books for drilling grammar, like https://www.amazon.co.jp/TRY-%...

1 year ago
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Top > 日本語を勉強しましょう / Let's study Japanese! > Exams Talk: JLPT, Kanji Kentei

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