和 英 辞 典 Vocabulary dictionary
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This topic is tied to the below grammar expression in the grammar library.
1 . Both A and B (are acceptable options)
Used when the A and B are both ok, but only one will be chosen/used in the situation.
I either walk or go by bike to work.
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I feel like the English is a little misleading. The title has it as "and" but the examples are "or."
I feel "Both A and B are acceptable options/ or" would be better as currently it looks like it just means "and."
The dictionary entry for または also lists "either ... or ..." which I think has a different feel than "both ... and ...".
It's my hope that the parentheticals help clarify that we're talking about choices (so one of the two), not an inclusive (both A and B are valid at the same time).
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