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Level: 283

This is for any visual issues that come up.

This may also include things such as comments on color choices, what's hard to see/not see, etc.

4 years ago
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Level: 892

I finally managed to download the app. *(^O^)*

Android 8.1, I think. (Damnit, I forgot what info we had to put in here...)

Trying it just now I found a couple issues.

1. Unless I tap the background to have my words checked, the "letter box" remains in place covering the words at the bottom and I can't pull them up high enough to tap and work on them.


2. The word at the top used to be the one that I was currently typing, but at some point it got stuck. (see above screenshot)

3. I have "hide correct boxes" activated. After tapping the background this single letter remained.


4. I tapped one word and thought tapping a specific box would allow me to change that letter. (Doesn't work that way, I get it.) However I tapped a letter that came from another word that I had already filled in but was hidden due to my settings. Tapping that letter opened the clue for the already verified word and it irritated me. Would it be possible, along with hiding the boxes, to also hide/disable the clues? (Is that understandable?)

5. When hitting the "back to home" button at the end of a finished puzzle, the site went blank.

4 years ago
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Level: 892

Asus ZenFone, android 8.1, I believe.

6. Especially (but not exclusively) for the kanji puzzles I find the layout too large.

7. It would be nice if the settings page was accessable from the main page, too, and not only from within puzzles. (Or am I too stupid to find the settings button there?)

1a. The little menu button also overlays boxes if they happen to be be in the bottom corner.

4 years ago
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Level: 283

Glad you could get it downloaded! Let me get some clarification on the issues you pointed out:

1. If I understand this correctly, you want to be able to click on one of the obscured boxes without having to close the previous clue, is that correct?

2. Describe stuck, please. Did the box visually remain when you changed clues (and if this is the case, was it there for this second clue only, or for multiple clues after that?

3. Which category and puzzle is this for? I'll need it to replicate the scenario.

4. That's a really good point, I'll get that fixed.

5. Reported in another thread. Will probably report back in that one once a fix is in place.

6. You can pinch to zoom out! I should add that to the intro path so people know about it. It does not save your zoom settings, though - but I can get it to do that.

7. Will think on it.

1a. Do you have a screenshot for this? I can't quite picture what you're referring to.

Also, how did you finally get the app installed? There's at least 1-2 other people with the same play store error.

4 years ago
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Level: 892

1. Yes. I like to fill all the grids first and then have them checked for mistakes.

2. The box remained throughout the rest of the quiz until the point where I tapped the background to have my answers checked.

3. It was the N5 #1 kana puzzle.

6. That's good to know. I didn't even try that.

I followed your advice, opened my email account in incognito mode. (Was a bit of a pain, though.) From there I could open the play store. But I had to leave incognito to download the app, if I remember correctly.

4 years ago
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Level: 892

1a. This is the bottom row of the N5 #3 kanji puzzle. If I wanted to tap the box in the left corner I'd accidentally tap the menu (or what should I call it?) button.

4 years ago
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Level: 283

1. Fixed, going into next update.

2. Fixed, going into next update. (1 and 2 are related, right?)

3. In progress

4. In progress

5. Fixed, going into next update.

6. I might have been wrong - still looking into how to save the zoom level, and if it's possible. Regarding the zooming, will add it to the help button slides

1a. In developer lingo, it's called a FAB (Floating Action Button). I will pad the bottom, and have it go into the next update.

4 years ago
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Level: 283

4. Fixed, going into next update.

4 years ago
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Level: 892

I had this one again with N5 #2.


Issue no. 2 doesn't seem to be resolved completely. Sometimes the box remains for a while. Then it disappears for a while and doesn't pop up even if that would be the appropriate thing to do (e.g. the word is partly off screen or covered by the "letter box"). Then it pops up again and works properly for a bit. I can't see a pattern or a trigger for this behaviour.

Does this box always show up? Or when is it supposed to pop up?

4 years ago
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Level: 283

I have not yet been able to replicate the remaining letters, so not quite sure yet how to fix that one. The ones that are remaining, are they always characters that are part of two words, sometimes, out never?

As to the top bar, it only appears if the app does not think in can position the puzzle in a way that the full clue appears on the screen.

or... You are in typing mode, in which case it appears by default because the keyboard takes up do much of the screen.

4 years ago
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Level: 892

I checked again with N5 #3 and the single remaining letters seem to be part of two words always.

4 years ago
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Level: 318

The clue refocus change works nicely for bottom row clues! I noticed an issue where if you move the screen at all though, it resets the puzzle height and obscures the puzzle again.

When clicking a bottom row, puzzle snaps into focus as expected:


When scrolling after, puzzle resets:


It would also be nice to be able to zoom out more if possible. I'd like to see the whole kanji puzzle on my screen, but it stops zooming if either the entire width or height is shown on the screen, but not both.


Edit: One more issue


I mean, I just solved that last puzzle so well that I got an extra onigiri out of it~ :D

4 years ago
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Level: 283

That's a lot of onigiri! I'll see if I can't replicate it. I also have some ideas for the panning/zooming issues you describe. I'm off for a couple of days, and next week is the big move from Japan > US, but I'd like to get one more update in somewhere in there, so I'll work on all of these issues!

Karlla - are you using auto-check? There has to be a condition that is causing the issue (in the order that you answer them, how many times, you check them, etc.) - I'm sure I'll find it, but do let me know if you notice any other similarities.

4 years ago
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Level: 892

1. I also have 12/11 onigiri. Lol.

2. The auto focus is cool. That makes it so much easier to solve the whole puzzle in one go. (^-^)b

3. Yes, auto check is activated. (I can try turn it off and see what happens.) Usually I try to solve a puzzle in one go and check when I'm done. That's what I did today (N5 #4) and I had 3 remaining characters all of which were part of two words. Yesterday I checked every couple words and also had 3 characters left. It only affects kana puzzles.

What is the function of auto check exactly?

4 years ago
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Level: 892

Okay, I get what auto check is doing.

Even without auto check activated I just got 3 characters for N4 #1. So that's not a trigger.

There is only 1 character in N5 #1, but always 3 for all the other puzzles. And they're always first letters.

There seem to be too many characters in the letter box.

4 years ago
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Level: 283

The next update (which I will upload Oct 12th, Japan time) will include (at least) the following:

Some correct boxes would not disappear when "hide finished cells" was checked (Karlla)
In some groups, the number of acquired onigiri was too high. (Karlla,ArcaneAria)
With longer answers, the number of movable pieces was too high (Karlla)
When clue near the bottom was selected, the puzzle sometimes jumped after finishing the clue (ArcaneAria)

It does not yet handle panning all the way out to see the full puzzle, still working on that.

4 years ago
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Level: 283

Being able to zoom out to see the whole puzzle will also be available!

4 years ago
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Level: 1147
Is this how overlapping katakana and hiragana words are supposed to look?
4 years ago
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Level: 283

Nope - is this a puzzle you filled in recently, or looking at an older puzzle that was filled in, possibly before the last update?

4 years ago
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Level: 1147

I downloaded the app and did that puzzle yesterday.
4 years ago
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