Vocabulary dictionary

Kanji dictionary

Grammar dictionary

Sentence lookup


Forums - July 2019 renshuu.org update!

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Level: 283
Details for the July 2019 Update:

The big 6:

1 - Handwriting input

55sqyw00h5bcf5w362jyy4ddz.png Anytime you see that little squiggle (Dictionary and Quizzing), tap it to get your own handwriting pad! Practice your writing while you study!

2 - Kanji Mnemonics

fo5qfr3o0ec8thzws3ue6a63x.png A mnemonic is any kind of memory trick to help you remember something. Take advantage of the growing mnemonics already in the site and more easily remember kanji, regardless of how complex they are!

3 - Personalized definitions

d8s7yow47ki47p663fzsu5spy.png75ofpodxynfengf8kqq7ifysx.png A quick tap on a definition to customize it however you'd like! All personalized definitions are kept private.

4 - Simplified study center! (formerly study library)

5384586t5gxomp732dyor5zrc.png Fewer buttons, a cleaner interface, and more information to help you quickly get to what you need.

5 - Vocabulary images

oetwy7yt563socux486jtd4re.png Hundreds of pictures (with more every day) of vocabulary terms to help enhance retention! Add your own images with a simple image searcher!

6 - Expanded grammar quizzing for free users (available now!)

Now, instead of full access to just a few grammar lessons, non-renshuu pro users can get a small taste of every grammar lesson available in the site! Join renshuu pro to add thousands of additional questions and get a full mastery of the grammar you need.

The rest:

Grammar quiz feedback
- now, anytime you choose a grammar answer that is incorrect and a different grammar expression, the site will not only show you the correct answer, but information about the answer you chose as well.

Term tinkerer
- click the Tools icon on any term list to get quick access to tools that affect many terms at once. Great if you're looking to quickly mark your knowledge level of multiple terms. This existed before, but has been completely rewritten.

Schedule admin
- click the settings icon in Learn > Schedules to quickly manipulate multiple schedules at once!

Quick term marking
- when terms are introduced into a schedule, quickly mark ones you already know and don't waste time building them up.

Dictionary update
- tens of thousands of new terms added, vocabulary classifications so you can easily see how common a term is (must be enabled in settings), groupings of similar vocabulary terms, and alternate kanji versions now displayed.

Faster site
- everything loads faster on the site!

Contests incoming!

We've got some contests for the summer as well as some really easy ways for you to get some renshuu pro without paying! Stay tuned.
6 years ago
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Level: 1639
Awesome! *(^O^)*

I especially like the grammar feedback, because I would often wonder... "Bleh, why was my answer wrong? Grammar is stupehd.."

Thanks! :D
6 years ago
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Level: 283
I have finished the transition for the grammar quizzes! All grammar lessons for expressions are now open to all users, with pro users holding onto an extra 4000 or so sentences for a more varied question set with deeper mastery.
6 years ago
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Level: 677

I'm especially thrilled with the opportunity to make my own notes and personalized definitions. One thing that helps me remember kanji and vocabulary is to make note of where I encountered them. Being able to do this on the site is a major plus for me! Thank you!

And, as always, thank you ever so much for starting and maintaining Renshuu! I may not be very active in the community, but I use the site nearly every day. It's such a pleasure to use!
6 years ago
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Level: 2001
Concerning the Study Center:

1) Any chance you can put the kanken kanji/vocab lists in the correct order?

2) Can you please put the "Lessons I've Made" tab back on the ME page? When you have studied many lessons, it becomes next to impossible to find anything. My list goes A to Z three times, and it would be much easier if I could find just the ones I've made.

And apparently I can't make a numbered list with punctuation here.
6 years ago
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Level: 283
1) I will fix up the kanken list soon!
2)I think I have an idea for a simpler solution that will work for you - will have an update soon!
3) numbered lists with this forum editor software are ...extremely frustrating. It's an external package that renshuu uses, so I can report issues and hope they provide a fix. Could you email me a copy of the text you tried to enter which caused the issues? I'll send it their way.
6 years ago
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Level: 2001
Well, it's looking better but the top four kanken kanji levels are reversed--jun comes BEFORE the full level.

As long as I can find the lessons I've made easily, I'll be happy.

The numbered list was basically what I posted. I was trying to write a list with a header, but as soon as I started a numbered line (a 1 followed by a period) it would jump to the first line and was impossible to remove without backing out of the forum altogether. Basically type a sentence, hit enter a couple times then type a number followed by a period.
6 years ago
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Level: 283
I'm trying to figure out a way to trick the sorter into displaying the right order, but this is at least a step up from before.

I added a "my lessons only" toggle, it'll be on the beta later today.

Will let you know if I get an update on the list thing.
6 years ago
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