In order to (one day) allow for a dark mode and more flexibility with the colors on the site, I am going through the insane task of cleaning up, reorganizing, and simplifying the css on the site (css is what stylizes the site in terms of size, color, placement, ...everything. Without css, it would look like a mess of text).
This is a huge task, and while I am checking as much as I can, please mention all visual bugs in this thread only. Attach screenshots when possible.
(Is this the right category? If it is not, please tell me I'll delete this post)
Just now 9.27PM JST, I logged on renshuu using my smartphone and layout change into PC mode. I have make sure and refresh the page but the problem still presist (I see no problem when I log on my laptop though and wonder is it just on my side, or renshuu had just update?
1: Previously the box with my user info on the dashboard displayed the daily challenges next to the my Kao-chan section, but now they have been pushed down below, leaving a bunch of empty space in their place. Perhaps related, the percentage bars for the challenges are now twice as big.
2: For some reason, when I select multiple choice answers in a quiz using the keyboard shortcut, the choice selected is no longer highlighted/outlined before proceeding to the next question. It only happens if I select an answer with the mouse.
Schedules are kept in three columns, although the page was resized in a way that the third column starts to go off screen. Below two screenshots from the post-quiz and dashboard schedule selections, where I shrinked the horizontal browser width as far as possible before renshuu stops showing three columns:
Definitely fixed for the dashboard; I cannot verify it for the quiz result screen right now as I only have 1 vocab and 1 kanji schedule left.. so always only have 1 column there. Will report back tomorrow morning :)
Also found a new bug: the arrows for liking/disliking sentences in the dictionary now appear to be black. Not caused by the Blacken addon. Clicking on them still triggers the normal color changes though.
And two more bugs, but shown in the following image:
1. The fill-in-the-blank lines are not consistently aligned, with some being at level with the bottom of text, and others being more towards the middle. 2. The unknown word highlight is now much taller than the words highlighted, unlike the blue highlighting used elsewhere.
Sorry, I am still not able to replicate it. Mind tossing a few more inquiz reports my way? When you do, please let me know which sentence you are referring to (as it usually gives me the last 2 questions to look at).
In the screen after each question of a quiz, a part of the dictionary screen can be seen behind the "Show the next question" button. I'm using Chrome (mobile version). The PC version is ok.
Most probably not a visual issue with the site but rather something gone wrong during the image upload, but the most recent kao-chan image is completely white, except for the red hanko. Previous images seem fine [blue highlight due to me selecting the image to make sure that it is truly there]: