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Forums - Ideas for a renshuu mobile app?

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Level: 283

Hello all,

As you've probably noticed, feature development on renshuu has slowed down as we have switched over to content generation - we are almost ready to take our grammar quizzing past 4,000 questions!

Although we are an extremely small team and we do all the work on renshuu in our free time, we are considering developing a mobile app (iOS/Android) for renshuu. We have a few primary goals in mind, but we would love to hear what our users think as well.

1. Make quizzing available offline. Any time you are not connected, your quizzing would still be available - it would sync up with the website (server) next time you are online, so you'd be able to continue your studies anywhere.

2. Make it easier for new users to find renshuu (via the app stores).

While we will most likely initially start with an app that focuses on quizzing only, we would like to initially make every page on renshuu available on the app (although some pages will require an internet connection, as we cannot download all contents to the users devices).

So, considering that you will get #1 above and eventually all functionality currently on the website, what other ways could a mobile-specific app benefit you as a user?


9 years ago
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Level: 1

Good day!

With the app giving me reminders, I cannot forget my scheduled quizzes anymore. :P I really hope a mobile app will be developed for Renshuu.org. Thank you very much and more power to you! :)

9 years ago
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Level: 124

A mobile app for renshuu would be great! bigsmile.gif

And it would be even greater if you (eventually) planned on developing one for windows as well... please?

Making quizzing (and later on other parts of renshuu - the dictionary?!) available offline would be very convenient. It is sometimes very frustrating to not be able to take a quiz while on the go because of a fluctuating internet connection...

As a further idea for an app-specific functionality: searching for kanji by drawing them. It's an option I think is missing for making the dictionary more complete.

Thanks for your hard work! ^o^

9 years ago
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Level: 199

That sounds exciting! :-)

Offline quizzing would already be super-awesome and my main reason to be interested in the app. I echo what the commenters above me have said: first two things I thought of were 'alerts' (not that I ever forget I still have renshuu terms to do, but still) and 'search kanji by drawing it'.

Pure brainstorming, no idea about feasability at your end:

-- Drawing kanji in the kanji quizzes
-- The ability to scan words you come across (while in Japan, during reading practice etc.) and be able to add them (via the dictionary) to a study schedule straight away

9 years ago
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The one thing I would care most about is being able to download all information for use within the app/offline use. I personally have no problems using the website, but if I could renshuu during times when I don't have internet access, I would be ecstatic!

9 years ago
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Level: 65

Awesome! Adding a feature that allows quizzing while not connected would be fantastic. It could easily turn boring subway rides into productive study sessions.

Accessing the website normally over the internet has worked very well on mobile devices, but a simple format meant for thumbs (larger and fewer buttons) could make the experience all the better.

9 years ago
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Level: 1

Personally, I struggle with keeping on track, so having an alarm to remind me to study in the future on an app would be helpful, like a personal interface setup so we can make phone settings based on our study? For example: I would set my phone lock settings so that I'd have to study for, say, 20 minutes before 8:00 in the morning (for the sake of example) before I am allowed to navigate the rest of my phone outside texts, or use study time before unlocking phone, or even just answering a single kanji question for unlock of phone to get into your phone. (Plus, that would boost your security, as not many people around here know how to answer to those!)

9 years ago
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Level: 1

what about a hiragana word to kanji (finger) drawing mode?

9 years ago
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Level: 156

I would like to see the ability to download a pack (like N2 words only) so that it doesn't take up many storage in my phone. Since there are thousand of words and for user who had small internal storage, it'll be hard to download and use the app. But if it isn't the file isn't big at the first place, I would loved to have the whole words list and pack available on my phone offline.

Another fuction that I would like to see, although I don't think you need to put this in priority first because just offline quiz will be awesome, is the feature where when a user unlock their screen, a random question will be asks immediatedly. An app called Learn Japanese Word and Test in Android Play Store does it, but it doesn't cover all word list. I haven't been able to found another app alike that is specifically for Japanese learning, minus the same kind of app but with Korean interface and dictionary.

Because sometimes, despite all the alarm and motivitation, I slack, sometimes for days or weeks, despite those time can be used to learn Japanese. People often check their smartphone many times a day, and if there is such app that's tailor for user who want to take JLPT or simply practixe Japanese, each time they check their smartphone, it will be a benefical short burst study time.

Though I am unsure if this can be plant in iOS since iOS and Android system permission are different..

9 years ago
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Level: 39

I'd love to have an app, particularly one that I could use offline. I've before been stuck in boring meetings where I could have studied if only I'd had a proper internet connection. Also, I could study on those long flights to Japan! ;)

9 years ago
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Level: 39

" feature where when a user unlock their screen, a random question will be asks immediatedly."

And this! This would be awesome

9 years ago
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When is it coming out??

8 years ago
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Level: 283

We have not yet decided on whether or not we will go ahead and build one. We'd love to, but as noted above, we are working we extreme time constraints, and we haven't been able to set down enough time to lay out a plan that is feasible.

Thanks for your interest!

8 years ago
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Level: 1

I know this is an older post but I just wanted to re-iterate having the notification function. Even if all the app does is bringing up the mobile site with push notifications for when it's time to study, I would be fully satisfied.

8 years ago
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Level: 1

A customisable widget showing recent study, for motivation (negative or positive, depending on your recent studies.)

Notifications to remind you to study *only if you haven't hit your target yet.*

8 years ago
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Level: 13

I'd say don't waste time building a native mobile app. Instead make the mobile site UX better. If you do want to make an app, you could keep it in the same codebase and wrap it so it looks native, like a progressive web app.

8 years ago
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Level: 1639

I'd say don't waste time building a native mobile app. Instead make the mobile site UX better. If you do want to make an app, you could keep it in the same codebase and wrap it so it looks native, like a progressive web app.


I second that. A simple "wrapper" app would do fine - and increase visibility for renshuu.org. :)

8 years ago
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Level: 283
I think the UX for the mobile version of the website has improved a good deal in the last version, or, at least that was my intention.

To be honest, though, I'm not crazy about a wrapper - it feels a bit cheap, but the increase visibility would definitely be a bonus.

Edit: I also was under the impression (just something that has been stuck in me) that simple web wrappers were not looked kindly upon by the app stores, but I'll take a bit more of a look into it.

8 years ago
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Level: 283

After digging around a bit, I see a couple of roadblocks to having a simple "wrapper":

1. As I suspected, the App Store (at the least) is not necessarily favorable towards just a wrapper.

2. The login method through google (where you use your google account to log onto renshuu) will no longer work on the site - it has to be built outside of the website, so in the "wrapper" of the program, then somehow passed down to the webpage (maybe via a token written into the url of the webview). Definitely another layer of complexity, though.

8 years ago
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Level: 13

I meant something more like a progressive web app, explained for example here http://blog.ionic.io/what-is-a-progressive-web-app...

On the native side, you could eventually transition to a native app that is written in React Native, for example, and you could play with using React on the web side in preparation. By that time there may be a different tech landscape, though, but these are ideas you could explore. Are you the sole developer/maintainer? In that case it seems best to aim for a single codebase to keep your life sane. :D

8 years ago
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