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Forums - New Nintendo 3DS

Top > 会話 / General discussion > Anything Goes

Level: 1271
Ok so this weekend rumor is that the new version of the 3DS will be released in Japan. It has better hardware and new z buttons allong with a second joystick on the right hand side. Anybody else thinking about getting it? I have a long list of games I have been wanting but my American 3DS cannot play. HMMMM I will be in Tokyo this weekend to see family for the first time in a couple years... Maybe this is a sign I need to grab it now!
10 years ago
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Level: 25
Just be forewarned that all systems in the 3DS line, including the new 3DS, are region locked. While my 3DS can still play American DS games, it will not play American 3DS games. So, if you want to buy one, build up a library, too! That way you won't have to get hit with shipping when importing games.
10 years ago
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Level: 1271
I know about the region lock as I have an American 3DS and cannot play the Japanese titles as of now. I live in a small country town in Japan that does not have any electronic stores. haha. My version of shipping is the bus and train ride into tokyo :P
10 years ago
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Level: 110
This is bullshit,seriously. The console is going to have game-exclusives like for instance the already announced porting of Xenoblade (Wii game) and this exclusives don't run on the previous 3ds... Is already nasty to have exclusives among consoles(like Xbox and PlayStation),now even exclusives for the same generation of a console...this is ridiculous and is just a commercial manouver for Nintendo to fix is money balance. In my opinion as a owner of a 3ds, the new 3ds doesn't offer nearly enough to justify the purchase of a new console. Not to mention that game developers know that by doing games exclusives for the New3ds they won't sell copies of the games to the owners of the previous 3ds,so I think that they will simply develop games that works fine on both consoles,and if you pay for the new 3ds you only get something like an extra 3-5 exclusive games. So yeah,even if those 3-5 exclusives where awesome games,I won't purchase the new console for principle,because in my opinion Nintendo did a very retarded and outrageous money-grabbing commercial manouver,wich doesn't deserves players/clients support at all and I hope it ends in a shattering fail for them.
10 years ago
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Level: 1
[quote author=MarcusAseth link=topic_id=6475&post_id=34814#rmsg_34814 date=1415195755]This is bullshit,seriously. The console is going to have game-exclusives like for instance the already announced porting of Xenoblade (Wii game) and this exclusives don't run on the previous 3ds... Is already nasty to have exclusives among consoles(like Xbox and PlayStation),now even exclusives for the same generation of a console...this is ridiculous and is just a commercial manouver for Nintendo to fix is money balance. In my opinion as a owner of a 3ds, the new 3ds doesn't offer nearly enough to justify the purchase of a new console. Not to mention that game developers know that by doing games exclusives for the New3ds they won't sell copies of the games to the owners of the previous 3ds,so I think that they will simply develop games that works fine on both consoles,and if you pay for the new 3ds you only get something like an extra 3-5 exclusive games. So yeah,even if those 3-5 exclusives where awesome games,I won't purchase the new console for principle,because in my opinion Nintendo did a very retarded and outrageous money-grabbing commercial manouver,wich doesn't deserves players/clients support at all and I hope it ends in a shattering fail for them.[/quote] Nintendo already knows that people will buy their consoles and games regardless of horrible anti-customer choices, such as the region lock business. Why shouldn't they continue on that path? And shirokitsune, a better S&H option for you might be amazon.jp. Surely you aren't in an area that doesn't have convenience stores? I've been in the inaka's inaka and there's always SOMETHING.
10 years ago
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Level: 3
I would honestly wait on buying that new 3DS in Tokyo, just wait for one to show up used.(´・ω・`) Plus the analog stick on that thing is atrocious. I like the old padded version.
10 years ago
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Level: 1271
Ya I did not pick it up. I figured I have enough games for study practice on my super famicon that I don't need to spend the money on a few titles with better graphics. Also I have tons of games on my Steam acount if I really need graphics while I study.
10 years ago
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Level: 25
I'd love a SFC, I can probably find a nice cheap one when I get paid, but right now I have a 3DS, Wii, and GBA. The trouble I run into with older games is that a lot of them didn't have the support for kanji, so that long string of hiragana screws up my reading speed. I never thought I'd say it when I was in Japanese class, but reading sentences with kanji is so much easier than reading a sentence of just hiragana. XD
10 years ago
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Level: 1271
ya that is true but I have found that the SFC has a lot of Kanji in its games. That being said it also seems like developers chose to vary when they use the kanji vs just the hiragana. I know in my DQ games one character will use the kanji for something while another uses the hiragana.
10 years ago
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Level: 1
[quote author= link=topic_id=6475&post_id=34945#rmsg_34945 date=1416453790]I would honestly wait on buying that new 3DS in Tokyo, just wait for one to show up used.(´・ω・`) Plus the analog stick on that thing is atrocious. I like the old padded version.[/quote] I don't know that I ever see a big enough price difference for a used 3DS to think that it'd be worth it. For 2,000 yen extra, I'd rather be the first to open the box outside the manufacturing plant. That being said, I won't be getting a 3DS, but if I were...
10 years ago
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Swearing is prohibited, マルコ.

This website has children on it, and if you do so again, I may just report you. I have never reported anyone, but you used an extreme baddness level swear, and I WILL report you. No. Swearing. I know I broke rule one, sort-of, but it was nessesary. Read rule four.

3 months ago
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ロウ (Row)
Level: 575

This thread is 10 years old. I can promise you almost all of the people in this thread aren't even on Renshuu anymore. Please don't spam messages in old threads

3 months ago
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