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Forums - Schedule summary bug pt 2 - in-quiz feedback

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Level: 2001
When I said "leftover", I meant the terms that were left after I finished the 50 question(s). As in a schedule with 112 terms rts should give me two 50 question quizzes and one 12 question quiz. The 12 terms are the "leftovers". Divided up like that, it's easy to tell when the numbers don't match. If my numbers are off, I'll let you know.
11 years ago
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Level: 2001
Do you think you could take me out of the logging while you're thinking? Pretty please?
11 years ago
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Level: 283
I did take you out of it when you posted that message, just didn't have a chance to reply. How have the quizzes been since you've been out of the logger?
11 years ago
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Level: 283
PS: In the last week or so, have you adjusted your knowledge on either of the kanji in ける, or perhaps adjusted this setting: "Show kanji for common hiragana terms" ?
11 years ago
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Level: 2001
Working just fine. Haven't touched dekakeru since I added it...but someone might have changed it---many of my terms seem to magically change to kana overnight. I did play with "show kanji", but that was over a week ago....some of my new kanji weren't showing as black.
11 years ago
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Level: 2001
And there's no point in turning it back on because so many terms are greyed out and there is no way to turn them black again. I just lost る、、and about 200+ others to the dreaded grey. Guess I'll be working on re-adding them (and in some cases re-re-adding). This is what shows in the dictionary. [url=http://i.imgur.com/6KBs3Ky.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/6KBs3Ky.png[/img][/url] I played with the settings, but nothing changes. I know the kanji, these should be black. Do you think it has anything to do with the readings table you reworked yesterday? If you want to try turning on the "show kanji for common terms" go ahead. I don't mind. Seeing and in hiragana keeps throwing me.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
That is actually a new feature - I put in grey for now, but in the vocabulary dictionary, it now shows uncommon kanji for typically hiragana terms - but shows them in grey. ...it does not reflect a user's personal data. I'm very open to different ways of writing it (maybe add it to the definition as a note instead of showing it in the main 'Japanese' line?) The でかける bug was indeed from about a week ago. When you added it - do you remember if it was in the middle of a quiz? How did you add it - through the + menu? As you know, there's been a lot of changes to the kanji/word bindings - if your kanji knowledge (as stated in the site) is NOT being reflected in the kanji, I definitely want to track down each issue.
11 years ago
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Level: 2001
I didn't add ける. That one's from a JLPT list and has been there forever. I added け. Had to go excavating for that one. It's just that my terms keep changing...one day  shows up like it should (I've added it as kanji at least three times), the next it's りんご. Same with turning into なす--both are from today. The last one's affecting which I added as a new term. Just checked and and  are also changed. I added all of these deliberately because I kept seeing the kanji on products and wanted to recognize them at a glance. As I noted earlier  is now hiragana only, but I keep seeing the kanji in books, same with る. So now the site no longer recognizes that many of these terms are part of my personal data? So......I'm screwed? There's now only one official way to see them? Turning the "show kanji for common hiragana" on only gave me hundreds of greyed out terms; didn't turn a single one black. No matter my kanji knowledge, they're gonna stay grey? Then, no offense, but what's the point in adding any new kanji terms if they're just going to read as hiragana?
11 years ago
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Level: 283
Nowhere did I state that they are intentionally going to stay grey. The only change I've purposely made (as I noted) was to *begin* showing kanji that was originally hidden (in the dictionary only) for commonly-hiragana only terms. As I stated above, the display in the dictionary is not intended to reflect how that term will be shown in quizzes, and I will be making changes later to try and clarify that information so the 'meaning' of a grey character does not get mixed up. I'm trying to be as clear as I can - if there is a problem between your kanji knowledge and what is being shown, give me a few examples (as you have in this post), and I will be able to investigate it. Although it might not be the best PR - I would like to be direct, as I have been with users during all these years. We are currently in a beta, which I repeatedly stated will have issues, and in the *vast* majority of these issues, they have been resolved extremely quickly. With issues that are remaining, being human, I am going to be more interested in addressing ones that are presented to me in a friendly manner. I, of course, have always and will continue to look into all issues, but I would kindly request that things are done in a polite manner.
11 years ago
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Level: 2001
I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just trying to understand. That's why I was asking so many questions. I do apologize if it came across that way, but I really was truly curious as to why it was affecting my quizzes. Be as direct as you like, I actually prefer it that way ;D. You've been working blazingly fast and doing an amazing job with the beta (and putting up with all of our lack of understanding), and believe me, we all appreciate the effort you've put into this over the years.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
Thank you for your understanding! Several things: 1. The dictionary has been cleaned up - when a vocabulary term that is usually shown in hiragana (but has a kanji reading) is displayed, the kanji is appended as a note to the end of the definition. 2. I turned on your 'show kanji on terms commonly shown as hiragana' 3**. I fixed a piece that made sure the kanji markers got rebuilt on this setting change, and I verified most of 4 or 5 of the ones you listed - they are now showing black kanji. Side-notes: a. It takes a REAL long time for your settings to go all the way through - I need to look into that at a later point. b. Currently, the site doesn't have an inbetween setting of 'only show the kanji of selected terms that are common-hiragana'. It is either a)show them all as hiragana, or b)show all the kanji (in either black or grey). In addition to the bug #3 that was fixed, I believe this might have been causing some confusion. To be honest, I wasn't 100% sure I made sense of all of the issues you brought up, so please take a look at things, and let me know if a)everything is good, and b)if not, which ones are still problematic.
11 years ago
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Level: 2001
2. Thank you. That was exactly what I was trying to do, but it just wouldn't take effect. I knew it would work for you, though. 3. I saw most of the kanji mentioned today. It was sooooo nice seeing く and る and all the rest again. a. I know....the last time I messed with the settings it took at least 5 minutes to go through. b. I noticed that; all of the possessive の's appear as . How about an almost ridiculously simple idea for a solution? Would it be possible that when the "show kanji for common hiragana terms" is turned on, a checkbox appears in the green plus menu that reads "continue seeing as kana" (or something along those lines)? If it isn't, don't worry about it for now. Looks like you got them all. One question, though. With the "show kanji" now turned on, will new terms I add with the (rarely written as) tag show as kana, as grey, or will they automatically show as black kanji? Now, to try and wrench this extremely disobedient thread back on track (and it doesn't wanna go). That error would have been from 7369, and it just popped up in the middle of a quiz. I don't remember what term it was, (from what you said it would be ける) but it was a true error, not a double entry or anything like that.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
a. I've got it on my list..I might even get to it tonight, but there is another thread or two in here I've been avoiding for awhile, and I want to try and make progress on those. b. Are you referring to the の that appear in sentences, or in terms? For sentences, I have half a mind just to rebind them as basic particles just like the other ones so they don't try and appear as kanji. In response to your suggestion - while it's rather from the outside looking in, there isn't a way yet to store that data easily in the site, and it would be rather ....insane to try and get those settings then to play well with things like the schedule summaries. I'd *definitely* like to get it done in the future, no doubt about it. The error was ..interesting. Let me describe it in more detail, maybe it'll jog something. The actual question was another term that I believe to be unrelated. Let's say it was question #5. Here is what happened: 1. After the end of question #4, the term ける did not believe that it had any known kanji (and so the kanji vectors were not turned on) 2. By the end of question #5 (after the results are displayed), the schedule now thought that ける *did* have known kanji. In made me wonder if, after answering #4 but before answering #5, you tweaked the settings that in some way impacted the kanji markings on that term (even if the quiz question itself wasn't でかける)
11 years ago
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Level: 2001
b. It is affecting almost all versions of の. Sentences, terms, everything. This was actually for the highlight overlap thread, but you can see what I mean. It should read ... [url=http://i.imgur.com/TBxgiSk.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/TBxgiSk.png[/img][/url] Yeah, that was just an idea--trying to come up with a way so we could turn on the settings but control the number of terms that appeared at one time. Didn't change a thing on any terms in 7369. I was just quizzing along when the error popped up. The only thing I've done recently is move some terms into specific schedules to reduce overlap. I haven't even looked at the settings since before the beta started.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
It *definitely* needs to be addressed, but it's an edge case due to the rarity of that setting being used, so I need to get the larger issues fixed (like the quiz-stopping one that occurred earlier today). I will leave you out of the logging until I have a better way to proceed with the schedule issue.
11 years ago
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Level: 2001
Sounds good to me. Thanks. Wanna see a doozy I took a screenshot of today during quizzing? Made me laugh. [url=http://i.imgur.com/YZPJBH2.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/YZPJBH2.png[/img][/url] Three of them! :o
11 years ago
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Level: 11
It would seem that the single schedule numbers problem has finally been solved. Yay!
11 years ago
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