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Forums - Schedule summary bug pt 2 - in-quiz feedback

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Level: 283
This thread is only for users that have opted into the in-quiz logging in the main bug thread (below this one). [b]Sent from the quiz and reading this for the first time?[/b] The site has detected an error in your schedule's summary data *between* the end of the question you just answered and the question before it. Please take a look at the question/answer/results and think about if there is anything strange, unusual, or uncomment about it. Examples include: 1. You did something to the previous term to change it's 'state' in the schedule (you hid it from studying, or manually changed the mastery levels) 2. You marked the previous term as redo/mark as correct 3. There is something amiss with the question you just answered - weird mastery levels, or something else. You don't need to report in this thread every time this message comes up, but please be keeping a close eye on things to see if anything unusual happened or you did something you don't usually do. ------------------------------------------------- I'm hoping that you see something that jumps out - a common link in the errors that are occurring.
11 years ago
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Level: 1891
On schedule 5738, I see the error message when, after I quiz a term, I remove it from the list (I'm trying to cut down on overlapping terms).
11 years ago
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Level: 2001
None of the above. It seems all my errors were caused by extended delays in the loading of a term. At least today. I know vaguely what terms I've moved (or like mysticfive reduced overlapping terms) and none of those schedules caused problems today.
11 years ago
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Level: 1891
I'm seeing the message pop up on delayed terms as well now
11 years ago
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Level: 283
The delay is from the logging, and not necessarily something related to the question at hand. In fact, all questions should have a bit of delay, although it'll vary from term to term. Can you say whether or not there is a significant delay between the ones with problems, and the ones without?
11 years ago
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Level: 2001
The ones with problems just locked up and almost refused to load. They just sat there reading "loading question" for 2+ minutes. Quizzing was actually faster today than yesterday....relatively.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
Thanks...I'm going to add a timer on it as well to see where the time lag is coming in. I did get a ton of reports from the site, so I'm going to pore over them this evening.
11 years ago
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Level: 1
I was halway through studying schedule 16113, then got caught up with some other stuff. I wound up adding a few terms to lessons 48668 and 45000, which are both part part of schedule 16113. I went back to my quiz and the very first question threw the error.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
Alright - I adjusted (and tested a bit) having the summary stats of a schedule update immediate in the following situations: 1)A term is added/removed via the + menu 2)A term is hidden/unhidden via the X icon. I believe this should cover shvelven's and mystic's issues. Still digging into じゅうり's specific issues.
11 years ago
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Level: 1
Maybe I should elaborate---I actually went to the study center in a different tab, opened those two lessons, and added a handful of words via the "edit lesson" page. I did not use the green plus. Then I got caught up in some other things and came back to finish the quiz about an hour later. I have a bad habit of starting a quiz, answering about half the questions, then switching to my email tab, then my feedreader, then maybe I'll have to run to the store... I've left quizzes open and finished them 8 hours later :-[.
11 years ago
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Level: 1
I got mine quizzing kanji schedule JLPT N5 after a question where it had asked me for onyomi of and I was like "=_= I don't remember telling renshuu I knew that reading" and turns out I don't and hadn't been quizzing the onyomi vector (I have no stars for it)
11 years ago
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Level: 1
also just got one after a question on kanjidamage pool 1 where the quiz was hanging after having chosen an answer, which it sometimes does, and so I press the answer again to make it advance
11 years ago
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Level: 2001
Locked up on me three times today--the first time 15 questions into my first quiz. Ended the quiz, then restarted. Something strange, all but 5 of my vocab schedules are still reading "study this schedule" in the summary even though all terms have been studied for today. 5078 has a cache mismatch that no amount of flushing will cure. (just ignore it for now).
11 years ago
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Level: 283
1. BN: The one was due to some uniquely corrupted data that I cleaned up. じゅうり - when you say lock up, you're not referring to the error message coming up, correct? You're referring to the page outright refusing to load? I know you have a lot of schedules - the ones that' lock up' - does there seem to be any pattern as to which ones are locking up, or does it appear to be random? Also - when it hasn't responded for awhile, do you attempt to submit the answer again? I wonder (based on BN's comment) if resubmitting the answer could be part of the issue. shvelven - you certainly are a use case that we did not foresee. . That being said, the site needs that level of reactvity, so I'll get to implementing it.
11 years ago
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Level: 2001
Yup, it refuses to load and advance the quiz. I have resubmitted the answer before, but that sometimes crashes the site, so I usually just give up and end the quiz. The error message yesterday would be from me smacking the keyboard in frustration after the third incident. It seems to be completely random. The second "lock up" yesterday was on a term I missed the day before, but then answered correctly (4881). If you think that might be the main issue, feel free to kick me out of the logging.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
じゅうり - went ahead and pulled you out of the debugging for a bit - you need a break *laughs*, and maybe it is related. I've also made some minor changes that may help, but haven't conclusively found anything yet.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
An update - the changes haven't solved everything yet - but I did get a great idea as to how to take the logging to the level that I need it to be at, without further degrading the speed of the quizzes for those of you helping me with the logging. I'll be implementing it tomorrow!
11 years ago
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Level: 2001
See what happens when you listen to me? Took me out of the logging and all the problems reoccurred. Had to flush 5 schedules (5704,5233,5045,5260,and 4881 had two left over) and 5078 decided today was a good day for a freakout. It sent me to the "an error has occurred" page no less that five times (which I know you received). There are several terms left, but I'm tired of messing with it.
11 years ago
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Level: 1
Got the error again. I had just moved a term from my studypad into a lesson via the green plus (in-quiz).
11 years ago
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Level: 283
1. Added the new, super-fine level of logging - it should not cause a noticeable change in waiting time. 2. じゅうり - it was a perfect storm. The bug that popped up has *nothing* to do with the schedule issue - it was simply bad (the worst) timing. Should be fixed - there is one smaller bug you hit that I'll be looking at later today. 3. shvelven - the custom lists are not yet reactive within the quiz environment, will be adding that today.
11 years ago
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