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Forums - [MAJOR BUG] Slightly off schedule summary numbers

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Level: 283
There is a rampant bug in which the schedule's summary numbers do not update entirely - it happens so that The schedule will not let you study anymore, but there appears to be a few terms left. You can confirm that it is this bug by going to the schedule's summary page and adding &flush=1 to the end of the url. If the numbers correct, then it is this bug (if they numbers remain off, definitely open up a new thread). I am actively looking into this, but it's going to take a bit time, so I wanted to open this thread so it doesn't repeatedly reported.
11 years ago
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Level: 199
This is happening for me. I had 7 mystery terms left over, then did the &flush=1 thing and now I have 1 mystery term left. (That last bit feels very familiar from Renshuu 2.0.)
11 years ago
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Level: 1
I dunno if this helps but I was literally about to post that it didn't work when I discovered something: earlier I fiddled with my settings and under vocab checked the box that says "kanji I know" for what kanji should be displayed in vocab. This gave me a ton more questions to answer and I thought it was this issue, because before it wouldn't let me start the quiz. But then I tried to start the quiz again and it worked, only it was giving me questions over kanji that I don't know at all. So I was like nope not doing this, exited the quiz, and then changed that setting back to being turned off, and then it got rid of it incorrectly saying I have terms left to study and it also fixed my daily study goals too o-o not sure if this is coincidence but this is the first time I noticed those being fixed
11 years ago
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Level: 1891
this is happening to me on the end quiz page/dashboard, but if I click the schedule page (to then add the &flush=1), it's already fixed itself.
11 years ago
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Level: 110
mine works inverse,the term I quiz and answer get added to the number of the "to study" instead of beign subtracted,I think I am talking of the same bug of this topic :)
11 years ago
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Level: 1891
so today my numbers kept changing every time I accessed the site - for example, every time I log in, the first schedule I quizzed today (kanji schedule 5738) shows as having terms to study. Flushing fixes it, but only until the next time the dashboard or end quiz page is showing...
11 years ago
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Level: 34
I have the same experience as MarcusAseth - the count is ADDING the number that i study rather than subtracting it. For example, in my JLPT N3 schedule: Starting point was 70 terms. I did a quiz of 50, so should have 20 terms remaining, but instead had 120 (70+50). However, when I started a new quiz, the quiz only had 20 terms as it should have. I stopped after 3 questions, it added 3 to my "remaining" (=> 123) but then again when I went into a new quiz it had reduced as it should have to 17. Tested one more time, took 2 more questions and then ended the quiz - my "remaining is now 125 but a new quiz shows 15. So the remaining # continues to increase but the # of terms in the quiz it working properly. I did not "flush" JLPT N3 if you want to see it. My JLPT N4 also has similar issue occurring; I also left it as-is.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
Well, I think I at least knocked down the 'growing' number. problem.
11 years ago
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Level: 1
I think I may have some more information to add. Earlier today, I deleted all of my mastery schedules. Then, I recreated my "Extras" Schedule by selecting the materials from the bookbag and creating a new schedule from there. I only study four vectors: Kanji→Kana, Kana→Definition, Definition→Kana, and Kana→Kanji. These were the four vectors in my newly-created Extras schedule. Now, as I was studying, I noticed the "Studied" number was rising as I quizzed: [img]http://i.imgur.com/NuFnaBM.png[/img] That's the same bug reported above, and since you're already working on it I set it aside. By chance, I decided to remove the Kana→Kanji vector from my schedule and make a new schedule that had the same terms but only the Kana→Kanji vector (This is because the Kana→Kanji questions come immediately after the Kana→Definition questions and I would always miss the transition and answer the first one wrong). Here's where I started noticing something weird: As I studied My "Extras" schedule (the one with three vectors), the number of terms left to study stayed at 157. BUT, the number of terms left to study in my new "Kana→Kanji" schedule was falling by 50 questions---it seems it was applying the questions answered to the wrong schedule: [img]http://i.imgur.com/YjtZtXX.png[/img] [size=12pt][u]Where things stand[/u][/size] Adding [font=courier]&flush=1[/font] fixed my "Extras" schedule. I was able to study the new schedule just fine. The terms being subtracted from the wrong schedule seems curious to me and might be a clue as to what's going wrong.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
That is some veery interesting information. Do you mind if I play around with your schedules a bit and answer a few questions? I don't want to mess your stats up too much, though.
11 years ago
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Level: 1
Go ahead, though I've finished both schedules for today. You can roll them over to tomorrow if you want.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
Would it be possible to have you pause on your schedules now while there are still some left for the day?
11 years ago
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Level: 1
Yes, that's fine. Take a look.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
Thanks! I was able to make significant process and isolate a number of problems. I did not want to do any more of your schedule than necessary, but I was able to take a few questions and a)have the mastery graphs update and b)have the daily study goals update. Please give it a try! It might not be perfect, but I bet it's a *lot* closer than it was before.
11 years ago
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Level: 1
Okay, testing it out right now. 1) [u]Before Quizzing the [i]Extras[/i] Schedule[/u] Extras: 68 to study Kana→Kanji: 43 to study * At this point, I answered 20 questions on my Extras schedule, then hit "End Quiz" 2) [u]Immediately After Studying 20 questions (summary page)[/u] Extras: 68 to study (did not update) Kana→Kanji: 42 to study (one fewer, somehow) 3) [u]Back to Study Center[/u] Extras: 68 to study (same as Quiz Summary) Kana→Kanji: 43 to study (same as Quiz Summary) 4) [u]After Flushing Both Schedules[/u] Extras: 50 to study (looks right since I answered two questions wrong during the quiz) Kana→Kanji: 42 to study (Still don't know why one was subtracted compared to my starting point) Should I do another round of quizzing and report back, or do you want to take a look at my profile again?
11 years ago
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Level: 283
Baaad timing *laughs* - another user sent (well, their schedule) some bad data, which put a block on the processor - all your updates were waiting to do, but they never made it. In fact, they just got cleared, so there is a chance your schedule is now out of whack because it just got a bunch of late updates. I would flush, then try again. Hopefully it'll get through the system this time.
11 years ago
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Level: 1
Okay, round two :) I flushed both schedules this time before I started. [u]Before Quizzing[/u] Extras: 50 Kj→Kn: 42 * Question types were Def→Kana (1-7), Kana→Def. (8-20). 100% correct this time. [u]After twenty questions (summary page)[/u] Extras: 43 (expected 30) Kj→Kn: 40 (expected 42) [u]After flushing both schedules:[/u] Extras: 30 (correct!) Kj→Kn: 40 (still wrong) So studying one schedule is still somehow affecting my other schedule, even though they have exclusive vectors.
11 years ago
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Level: 283
I take it you have your question types grouped together? I..wonder if the error started after the kana->def questions start. If you could, next time around, once the first kana-def one pops up, crack open the extras summary and see if things are good up until that point. I've also turned on some very verbose logging so I'll have a bunch of data to look at as well.
11 years ago
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Level: 1
Just finished a test quiz on my Kana→Kanji Schedule. [u]Before Quizzing[/u] Extras: 30 Kj→Kn: 40 [u]After 20 questions (summary)[/u] Extras: 29 (expected 30) Kj→Kn: 23 (expected 20) [u]After Flushing[/u] Extras: 29 (still wrong) Kj→Kn: 20 (correct!) Looks like the misassignment is going both ways. Plus, the Kana→Kanji schedule only has one vector. I'll still try the Extras until the Kana→Def. questions start and see what happens.
11 years ago
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Level: 1
[u]Before Quizzing[/u] Extras: 29 Kj→Kn: 20 [u]After answering 8 Def→Kana Questions[/u] Extras: 24 (expected 21) Kj→Kn: 20 (correct!) [u]After flushing[/u] Extras: 21 (correct!) Kj→Kn: 20 (still correct!) It could be from the changing question types afterall, though that still doesn't explain why the stats were wrong after studying the Kana→Kanji schedule. It could also be that only 8 questions weren't enough to trigger the bug. I guess the next step would be to remove all but one vector from my Extras schedule and try quizzing with more questions.
11 years ago
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