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Forums - Renshuu equivalents for other languages?

Top > 会話 / General discussion > Anything Goes

Level: 28
Hey guys, I'm not sure whether the thing I'm looking for even exists, but have you come across any sites like Renshuu for studying other languages? I've been dabbling off and on in Korean for a couple years now, and I can read and write in hangeul (theoretically), but my reading speed is reeeeeally slow compared to Japanese, despite all talk of hangeul being easier than kanji etc. Now I'm sure this is mostly just lack of practice (though I do think kanji make up in distinctiveness what they may lose in complexity!) But it occurred to me that my recognition and reading speed in Japanese has gone way up since I started doing fill-in-the-blanks on Renshuu... so if I could find something similar, that'd be ideal! Any thoughts on the topic? Do I need to just set up a custom Anki deck? I'm also curious what's out there in terms of study resources for other languages. I think we're really blessed with talented and dedicated programmers when it comes to Japanese - I think I'm so spoiled I'm not really sure where to start with other languages. :-[
11 years ago
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Level: 13
You know, I actually would like to know of some good resources for other languages, myself. I've considered learning a bit of Korean once my Japanese is a little better, honestly. Moreover, I have a friend who is interested in learning Hindi, but has had trouble finding even a decent book beyond one of those "Survival _____" kind of books. If someone knows of a good Hindi resource, I'd love to relay the information to him.
11 years ago
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Hah, if you think Hindi is bad, you should try to find some good Arabic to Japanese resources. Ugh.
11 years ago
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Level: 1
http://sites.google.com/site/soyouwanttolearnalanguage/specificlanguages This page contains links for materials for quite a few languages. Obviously I can't speak for everything, but the few I checked out seemed to be useful.
11 years ago
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Level: 7
[quote author=マデゥリ link=topic_id=5539&post_id=27864#rmsg_27864 date=1359542383]http://sites.google.com/site/soyouwanttolearnalanguage/specificlanguages This page contains links for materials for quite a few languages. Obviously I can't speak for everything, but the few I checked out seemed to be useful.[/quote] Thanks for the link.
11 years ago
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Level: 49

I know this thread is absolutely ancient, but for other people who might be searching, no there isn't exactly a good Renshuu app equivalent for other languages but there are some that are close enough, typically websites.

For German, for example, the news corporation Deutsche Welle has a free Learn German course on their website that'll take you all the way to C2.

For French, there's a free site called Lawless French that has a lot of great lessons ranging from beginner to C2.

There's also a company called Akelius Languages that have about a dozen completely free language courses on their website (there is an app but it's hideously slow so I recommend the website). Akelius actually partner with Unicef to teach their language courses to refugees around the world, so the quality is good.

Anki will also always be one of the best resources – there's so many decks now that don't just train vocab, but will also have grammar tips, audio, pictures, etc.

It's not the same style, but depending on where you live you might be able to access Mango Languages for free through your local library (unfortunately I can't, but I've heard extremely good things about it).

Otherwise, Renshuu definitely seems to be a bit of a special case. Still, you're probably not going to find a good app, but there are plenty of good free websites out there still for a lot for different languages.

14 days ago
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