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This topic is tied to the below grammar expression in the grammar library.
1. A or B
今年 あるいは         つもり      
I intend to build a house either this year or next.
Top > 日本語を勉強しましょう / Let's study Japanese! > Anything About Japanese > Grammar Library Talk

Level: 1
I've checked kanzen master, jgram page and more, and I could not see this grammar in JLPT 2....
14 years ago
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Level: 283
Since there are no official lists (anywhere, even with the textbook companies) for grammar (as well as vocab and kanji) with the new JLPT tests, there's going to be different lists depending on where you go. Besides, this one's easy :)
14 years ago
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Level: 210

it is so easy that I was in fact surprised when I only saw this now with more advanced grammar, really thought this'd be a part of n5! (especially considering there's no real good ways to express OR in n5 grammar lists)

1 month ago
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Level: 1371

it is so easy that I was in fact surprised when I only saw this now with more advanced grammar, really thought this'd be a part of n5! (especially considering there's no real good ways to express OR in n5 grammar lists)

Generally, more common grammar occurs at lower levels i.e. N4,N5, and less common grammar occurs at higher levels N1,N2. It has very little to do with how easy they are to use.

As for ways to express OR in N5, you should check out this grammar page:

" A or B, Shows a pair of choices between two objects, descriptions, or actions."

1 month ago
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