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This topic is tied to the below grammar expression in the grammar library.
1. Go to A; head to A
Often followed by verbs like 行く/いく, 来る/くる, 向かう/むかう, etc.
Today, I went to the hospital.
Top > 日本語を勉強しましょう / Let's study Japanese! > Anything About Japanese > Grammar Library Talk

Level: 1
I often get corrected that I should use へ in some of my sentences. Is there a preferred time to use へ over に, or is it simply sometimes へ is physically easier to say in a sentence?
15 years ago
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Level: 283
I always thought they were interchangeable, and a grammar dictionary I checked on confirmed as much. The only time it said に couldn't be substituted for へ was before the particle の (への is ok, but にの isn't).
15 years ago
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Level: 13
"The primary difference between the 「に」 and 「へ」 particle is that 「に」 goes to a target as the final, intended destination (both physical or abstract). The 「へ」 particle, on the other hand, is used to express the fact that one is setting out towards the direction of the target. As a result, it is only used with directional motion verbs. It also does not guarantee whether the target is the final intended destination, only that one is heading towards that direction. In other words, the 「に」 particle sticks to the destination while the 「へ」 particle is fuzzy about where one is ultimately headed."
from http://www.guidetojapanese.org/particles2.html#part4
15 years ago
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I've noticed recently in some outside materials that まで gets used in places I would have thought へ or に would go. I understand まで would indicate that someone is going toward something or somewhere. How does it vary in nuance against へ?

8 days ago
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Level: 1371

I've noticed recently in some outside materials that まで gets used in places I would have thought へ or に would go. I understand まで would indicate that someone is going toward something or somewhere. How does it vary in nuance against へ?

indicates the *specific* destination or time you're going "to"

indicates the *general direction* you're going "towards"

まで indicates your going "up to", "until", or "as far as" a location or time

7 days ago
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