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Top > 会話 / General discussion > Anything Goes
I think you could revisit your concept for the father. Instead of having him be the embodiment of pure evil, make him a more complex character, with motivations that readers will find sympathetic. Provide the possibility of a redemption arc: whether you decide to redeem him or not, having the option gives the story more room to evolve.
Another very good point. I've been annoyed at the fact that the father seems to be nothing but evil to the core, which makes him so one-sided and unlikable. My main character for another story I developed a long time ago used to be just like that, dull and emotionless, and I hated every second of it. I definitely need to add more depth to his personality, and maybe evaluating his backstory will give me a better idea of what other possible motives he may have
The best villains are always relatable, even in just a small capacity I need to find a way for the audience to feel a teensie bit bad for him
Ok so some of my ideas were: for some reason she is so lonely so she used the ability in desperatness. Which begs the question, why didn't she a better guy to do it to? Well, maybe she had no choice bc actually she is from a family of evil outcasts (maybe she is related to one of his cohorts) and so everyone avoids her or something. Maybe he didn't even know she was related to them so that's why he didn't care about it. I guess she told him because she didn't have better judgement and thought he wouldn't care (actually this makes a ton of sense if he really loved her so she thought that he wouldn't retaliate because his love was fake and she was manipulating him but she was actually wrong, ofc)
Another idea is she actually used it to be like a spy, maybe if one his enemies. But then, alas, the people she was working for abandoned her In her loneliness, she was stuck with him because he's a mafia guy or whatever, so she eventually got to care about him out of desperatness and then she felt bad for manipulating him so she told him and yeah it went badly
The other idea is that she had a personal grudge against him like he ruined her life somehow or killed a family member or something and then she was going to get revenge by tricking him to love her and then kill him or something but then she realized that she was confused about who did it and it actually wasn't him so she didn't know what to do so she thought if she admitted to him he would kick her out and then she could get revenge on the actual person but it went the wrong way
A lot of the progress is due to everyone's help, and I thank all of you for your advice this is gonna be so much fun to illustrate once I get the story settled
:0 making manga! Intriguing
Row, do you have ideas for my dungeon?
I'm not very good with puzzle stuff sadly But I agree with ツカレタくん that it sounds like if you make it too complicated your party isn't going to figure it out
You probably need something that has room for changes if they're going to go totally off the rails. Something simple like finding keys or switches and going through the moon water to get to them maybe
The last 2 dungeons were just find the switches, and they want something grander and more complex. I ofc don't wanna make it too high leveled, but I do want them to need to use their heads. The last dungeon I made was a simple gravity changing puzzle and it ended up being trash .
I don't really understand how you verbally describe puzzles since I haven't played D&D but maybe have like a name for rooms and then some little riddles to figure out the name of the right rooms to go in and if they get it wrong the other rooms hurt them or something (I think that could help if they ignore the riddles and go in the wrong room or whatever then something happens)
Yeah definitely find a way to punish them if they try to work around the puzzles/riddles you set up that way they hopefully won't complain
Maybe you could design key parts that they have to find? There could be parts to multiple keys that only fit with that one they're designed for, and they have to put the keys together properly in order to proceed?
Or I could have them have to lower the water level in a certain room to act like sort of a "find the keys" type thing, but it fits the theme more. An important part of D&D is finding alternative solutions, so this version could make it so failing individual puzzles could release monsters, and if they find out how to lower the water level without the puzzles, they are still using their problem solving skills
Oo so you could name the water levels like level 1, 2, 3, and so on and so forth (or you could be more creative than that ) and the numbers for each level could combine to form a code, so once they find the correct water level for each chamber and complete the code correctly, it will reveal a new clue? Or something like that, I'm not sure if this information is helpful
You know what's worse than re-learning how to drive? Negative comments from your younger sister while you're in the car. Unfortunately, if I wait for time I can drive without my siblings present, I'll never get a driver's license. Why do I feel like I'll have a heart attack driving a couple blocks to pick up my sister...
It will all be worth it in the end when I can get a job to buy actual paper books. I miss paper books.