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Forums - How to start a fan letter in Japanese?

Top > 日本語を勉強しましょう / Let's study Japanese! > Anything About Japanese

Level: 10

I am a big fan of one Japanese author and I really wish to write a fan letter. But the problem is that I don’t know how to start it since I feel like letter writing culture in my native language and in Japanese can be pretty different from each other. I don’t want my letter to sound impolite accidentally, but at the same time I feel like ways of writing regular letters can be out of place or too much in terms of writing a fan letter.

Thank you in advance, I hope my question and explanation are not confusingkao_yoroshiku.png

3 days ago
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Level: 184

Hello! This isn't exactly something I know about, but since it's been a hot minute with no replies I'll give it a shot - I think generally as long as you use formal Japanese (not necesarily いたします levels but just です/ます levels is probably fine) and aim not to offend or come off as rude and you should be OK :) a couple net searches might help too just in case I'm wrong, but thats how I do it when writing to customer service for example and so far I don't feel like I've had any bad situations arise out of it. Start with a こんにちは and go from there. If you'd like a sample letter or help writing one I'm happy to help you with it! Coincidentally you've got me curious on who you're planning on writing to!

1 day ago
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Level: 278

how about if you (bearlva) post your ideas for the letter here and experienced people could chime in if they feel it sounds impolite?

1 day ago
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I found out that ( Haikei ) at the beginning of the letter it is used as " Dear (so and so), Dear Sir, Dear Madam, To Whom It May Concern" on renshuu .
Maybe you could start like this :
- Your name , your location and and about you.
- Why are you fond of reading books especially which is based on his/her genre of the book
- Your admiration towards the author , the book of the author etd
- Use polite phrases between the letters.
- End your letter in a " (Keigu) " which means ( yours sincerely, sincerely yours, yours truly )
I found it on internet and just mixed the info and provided it to you

kao_yoroshiku.png kao_yoroshiku.png

The Key here is writing the letter by keeping it polite and adding values like being kind, being respectful, not praising too much, keeping it concise and up to the point. DONT FORGET TO USE HONOROFICS . There should be structure and clarity. What I would personally suggest is you should do it handwritten and not typed because handwritten just brings out the emotions and feelings. Before sending the letter, evaluate it again and see if there are any errors. You can even use stickers or drawings, read about the author - like the biography what he/she likes, and you can use it too , and use it in the letter
BEST OF LUCK, Don't hesitate !kao_fire.pngkao_fire.png

1 day ago
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