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I want to study radicals even though there is a page but is there a schedule
You can add radicals as a vector in your kanji schedule. i.e. you'd study what radical is listed for that kanji
For studying just radicals, that potential new feature is being discussed here:
Forums -> Feature Requests/Improvements -> [Discussion] radical schedules + counters
You can also study radicals as kanji. Several people, including me, have made lists that can be found in community lists.
Thank you, I am gonna read made by ポールおじちゃん, but how are they useful?
They’re not, to be honest. The whole point of radicals is finding kanji in a printed dictionary. But that’s a thing of the past.
Whether or not they are useful depends on the person, what you're interested in studying, how deeply you want to understand kanji and their components, etc.