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Forums - Getting notified for grammar suggestions

Top > renshuu.org > Feature Requests/Improvements

Level: 230

It would be wonderful to be notified if our suggested grammar is added to the library! I come across a grammar point, find it's not yet in the library, send in a suggestion, and then forget about it... Not sure how feasible it would be though

6 days ago
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Level: 283

I will most likely not add this simply because the frequency that I am able to add new grammar so rare (last time was years ago) that I would not want to suggest in any way that it is something that will come in a reasonable amount of time :(.

5 days ago
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Level: 230

Oh, I didn't know that -- this is useful to keep in mind, thank you!

While we're on this topic, would something like a "notebook" feature be within the realm of reality? For example I find the "My sentences" column under "My writing" very useful for keeping track of my progress, mnemonics, and other miscellaneous things I want to glance at from time to time. It would be cool to have a private page where I can freely add notes or website links or images, like grammar points or sentences that aren't necessarily attached to existing vocabulary/kanji/grammar points.

(Speaking of, I'd love to see my forum comments under "my writing" too -- just to easily keep track of the conversations I was part of and such)

I already keep a grammar document on Microsoft OneNote, but I almost exclusively use Renshuu as my Japanese learning resource and it would be convenient to consolidate all of my grammar notes on this website. Just to have everything in one place, if that make sense.

5 days ago
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Level: 283

It's been requested before - while it'd be nice to have, it falls into the same "problem" - I simply do not have time outside of maintenance and a small selection of features/contents that I have time to work on

5 days ago
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Level: 230

Gotcha — thanks for the transparency!

5 days ago
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