Hello! I've been studying words with the Kanji -> Meaning vector, and I'm looking for a way to disable the furigana on top of the kanjis so I can learn to read without relying on furigana. I've even looked through the advanced options of the schedule, but I can't seem to find the option to disable furigana. Is there any way to do so? Thanks <3
To explain, Renshuu will not give you questions about kanji you don't know. In order to get questions about the kanji forms of words without furigana, you need to study the kanji individually. Then, as you learn more kanji, the questions with furigana will gradually transition to only kanji.
You can add a kanji schedule in Manage Your Schedules to start studying kanji, or make a kanji helper in the settings of your vocab schedule to specifically learn the kanji that show up in the words you know. Or, if you already knew some kanji prior to starting Renshuu, you can go to the Kanji Index in the menu and mark off which ones you already know, and they will unlock in your vocab.
If after having tried the above suggestions you still find furigana to be too distracting, you can disable them (almost) completely by changing the setting for how unknown kanji are displayed.