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Im so sorry I had a Camp and now im going home. Im so sorry, I told you im a bad friend.

So how'd It go?

it was relly good. I dont know if I should call it a Camp cuz in the morning I go there and go back home around 17:00 (for me) and its for 5 days. Its an astronomical "camp". The theme for this week is Mars, but we allso talk about physics and more interesting stuff. Im the oldest from all the kids, I think that its 6-12 year olds and im the only one whos 12. And today before I had to go home we talked about the flat earth, we talked about why it couldnt exist and after the presentation I talked with the other kids that werent yet picked up by their parents about the flat earth and how it couldnt exist which was super fun.

3 days ago
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Im so sorry I had a Camp and now im going home. Im so sorry, I told you im a bad friend.

Camp!! wish I could do it,
noo it didn't mean to prove you were a bad friend, why do you always come to a bad freind topic :)

I typed because I felt we haven talken in centauries :(

I willkao_heart.png

3 days ago
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Im so sorry I had a Camp and now im going home. Im so sorry, I told you im a bad friend.

I have literally done this same exact thing before kao_dejected.png We have to leave our phones in a box at camp

sorry im not english so I mat have called it wrong. Its a Camp where we are at a place for the day and come back home for dinner and sleep. But I did do a few of those Camps and they werent that good.

3 days ago
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ロウ (Row)
Level: 557

That's called day camp kao_think.png

3 days ago
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3 days ago
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Im so sorry I had a Camp and now im going home. Im so sorry, I told you im a bad friend.

I have literally done this same exact thing before kao_dejected.png We have to leave our phones in a box at camp

What do you do in camps? Do go in the forest and camp there

3 days ago
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Im so sorry I had a Camp and now im going home. Im so sorry, I told you im a bad friend.

I have literally done this same exact thing before kao_dejected.png We have to leave our phones in a box at camp

sorry im not english so I mat have called it wrong. Its a Camp where we are at a place for the day and come back home for dinner and sleep. But I did do a few of those Camps and they werent that good.

Hmm..I understood a little

3 days ago
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Im so sorry I had a Camp and now im going home. Im so sorry, I told you im a bad friend.

So how'd It go?

it was relly good. I dont know if I should call it a Camp cuz in the morning I go there and go back home around 17:00 (for me) and its for 5 days. Its an astronomical "camp". The theme for this week is Mars, but we allso talk about physics and more interesting stuff. Im the oldest from all the kids, I think that its 6-12 year olds and im the only one whos 12. And today before I had to go home we talked about the flat earth, we talked about why it couldnt exist and after the presentation I talked with the other kids that werent yet picked up by their parents about the flat earth and how it couldnt exist which was super fun.

flat earth vs round earth is the best controversy kao_shiawase.png

3 days ago
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ロウ (Row)
Level: 557

Im so sorry I had a Camp and now im going home. Im so sorry, I told you im a bad friend.

I have literally done this same exact thing before kao_dejected.png We have to leave our phones in a box at camp

What do you do in camps? Do go in the forest and camp there

At my camp that's what they do (in huge military tents on wooden platforms with prison beds to sleep on) but not all camps are in the forest and many camps have cabins or buildings to sleep in

3 days ago
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From my location, a little while ago, my friends has telescope and did you know that in January 25 there was planetary alignment?? So with my friend's telescope I could see jupiter, venus, saturn and mars and a constellation ( with my bare eyes). It said that it could be visible from the northern hemisphere, all planets could be seen in a straight line! And the amazing part is that I captured a flying device which after 10 seconds disappeared it was moving fast

3 days ago
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ロウ (Row)
Level: 557

Wow kao_sparkle.png

3 days ago
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Im so sorry I had a Camp and now im going home. Im so sorry, I told you im a bad friend.

I have literally done this same exact thing before kao_dejected.png We have to leave our phones in a box at camp

What do you do in camps? Do go in the forest and camp there

At my camp that's what they do (in huge military tents on wooden platforms with prison beds to sleep on) but not all camps are in the forest and many camps have cabins or buildings to sleep in


3 days ago
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The sun dppied boelw the hirozn, cstaing a wram gloedn golw asrocs the lnascdpe. As the day tsarnitiedond itno nghit, the sky tarfrosnm itno a cnaavs of vbranit cloors, piatning a beratkihag snece. In taht tuqiranl memont, a snsee of pceae evdloepd the wlord, ivnintg rlefciton and gratudtie for the beutay of nutare.

Read this

3 days ago
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What would you think i if told you that the sentence you just read, which you assumed was correct, is actually wrong ?

3 days ago
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For row and random dude

3 days ago
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ロウ (Row)
Level: 557

I saw those earlier kao_think.png Very tricky kao_dead.png

3 days ago
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From my location, a little while ago, my friends has telescope and did you know that in January 25 there was planetary alignment?? So with my friend's telescope I could see jupiter, venus, saturn and mars and a constellation ( with my bare eyes). It said that it could be visible from the northern hemisphere, all planets could be seen in a straight line! And the amazing part is that I captured a flying device which after 10 seconds disappeared it was moving fast

wooooowkao_sparkle.png, it must had been beutiful. my friend has a telescope too but I cant watch stars with him cuz he has the telescope in his cottage.

2 days ago
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The sun dppied boelw the hirozn, cstaing a wram gloedn golw asrocs the lnascdpe. As the day tsarnitiedond itno nghit, the sky tarfrosnm itno a cnaavs of vbranit cloors, piatning a beratkihag snece. In taht tuqiranl memont, a snsee of pceae evdloepd the wlord, ivnintg rlefciton and gratudtie for the beutay of nutare.

Read this


2 days ago
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Lol, didn't you think how you could read it?

2 days ago
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Lol, didn't you think how you could read it?


2 days ago
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