掲示板 Forums - [Discussion] Better way to show linked usage notes
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There are a huge number of non-mnemonic usage notes that do compare/contrasts on the meaning and usage of 2 or more words (like the one I have here).
Instead of hiding these (only) in the usage notes, I'd like to promote these alongside the (now) updated "Related" word list.
However, I am at a bit of a loss as to how to show it.
For example, a simple view might look like this:
Compare to:
The word itself would be a link, and tapping on it could do a few things:
1. Pop up a modal with the usage note in it
2. Slide out that specific usage note just below the link
I personally like #2, but I'm worried that there might be an expectation for more text next to くう (or whatever the word is), and the above example would be "too" simple in layout.
My main concern is that it seems like there could only be one “featured” note per relation, leading to competition over who can claim that spot.
A secondary worry is how to deal with notes that compare more than two words.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding the proposal. A mockup might help.
There could be multiple links. So say we have word A, and then we have two notes:
note one compares it to B
note two compares it to C and D
It would presumably have
Compare to
B (meaning)
C & D (how to use)
(as an idea)