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Top > 会話 / General discussion > Anything Goes
Inkheart that is seriously good i cant wait to see the next:3
H-hi i also draw but not as good as all of you, i also started a drawing on Photoshop many months back but I still didnt finish it (im grounded so i dont have laptop
), but thats not why im here. I relly like everyones art here and maybe il learn something from just watching.
Hi there, random dude! はじめまして
Learning from observation is a great practice, and I highly suggest you keep it up! Feel free to ask questions about my art any time! I'll do my best to answer them
How can you make this digital? Wow. It looks like you made it on paper.
I agree
@Inkheart which app are you using? Would be interesting for me cuz I'm still looking for a good one.
I think it looks very similar to traditional artwork because of the brush I use I sketch everything out using an HB pencil brush, which is the same type of pencil I use in real life!
The app I use is called Infinite Painter, and although it has some issues, I would still highly recommend it
The interface is very simple and easy to use
There is a large brush selection
Many features are similar to Procreate's (and other popular art app's) features
Sometimes the app will glitch and close without warning (which might cause you to lose some data)
It will occasionally run very slowly
Other than that, it's a very good app!
The interface is very simple and easy to use
There is a large brush selection
Many features are similar to Procreate's (and other popular art app's) features
Sometimes the app will glitch and close without warning (which might cause you to lose some data)
It will occasionally run very slowlyTanks for the fast answer! I will try out the app when I have time to!
By the way セージ and ランダムデュード, there is a thread to share your art called "A safe place for artists"
By the way セージ and ランダムデュード, there is a thread to share your art called "A safe place for artists"
Okay thank you row
OMG EEEEE IT'S SOOO CUTEEEEE!!! ❤❤❤❤ Thank youuuu!!!
And I'm like the opposite of you I'm really good at drawing animals and such but bad at humans and proportion
I think it's cool that everyone has their strongsuits
Yeah you could be like me where everythings your strong suit🔥🔥🔥
Lol im kidding dont hurt me i cant draw for the life of me