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Forums - Does anyone else find Kanji overwhelming to learn?

Top > 日本語を勉強しましょう / Let's study Japanese! > Anything About Japanese

I had a weird experience when learning Kana at the start but it got all well when I finished Hiragana and was onto Katakana, learning Japanese words without romaji and just using Kana was also fine despite a bit weird, however Kanji feels too overwhelming to learn, I appreciate I don't need Kanji on quizzes if I haven't put it onto a schedule yet but I wonder if putting Kanji aside for a while in the long term and only Kana can backfire in the long term.

It's a lot faster to study Kana words than Kanji, with the time I spend writing notes of a Kanji to learn it properly, I could usually learn 5-10 Kana words and knowing this gives a weird overwhelming feeling since I know I can't just simply ignore the existence of Kanji if I am to study Japanese properly. Did anyone else here felt this way and did it ever start to become less overwhelming at a point?
14 hours ago
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ロウ (Row)
Level: 477

I would recommend not avoiding kanji for too long. You will find that when you learn kanji and words side by side, they reinforce each other. If you make a kanji schedule, you can learn kanji at your own pace separately from vocabulary. If you set it so unknown kanji have furigana it shows you the kana over the kanji until you learn the kanji. You can make a kanji helper schedule for your vocabulary schedule so that it only teaches you kanji that are in words you've learned.

You don't need to write notes for kanji, Renshuu quizzes you on on'yomi and kun'yomi and everything. It might seem important to write everything down now but you really don't need to unless you really want to. You don't need to learn every kanji in the words you're learning either. Learn them separately and they will catch up later.

13 hours ago
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It’s normal to feel overwhelmed from time to time. It’s a big language, after all. It’s all right. Just keep plugging away.

12 hours ago
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Level: 109

Hi there! Thanks for posting

Kanji is definitely frustrating and you aren't alone. I do recommend learning it though since it is important. However, let's make it a fun and easier process

Start off by adding N5 Beginner Kanji to your pathways, you can find it in "Manage schedules" link on your dashboard. Find it in the renshuu recommended Kanji schedules. There are roughly 100 kanji which is perfect for starters

Once added, click settings on it and make sure only meaning questions are enabled (and writing practice if you have Pro, otherwise use a notebook and a pencil/pen, which I still recommend anyway since you're handwriting may start to suck if you use apps to do this (happened to me))

Don't worry too much about taking notes or trying hard to memorize them, just let your brain soak them up and find them interesting. Look at the different pieces and try to make a connection in your head, even if it's silly. They should show a breakdown of the pieces that make up each kanji (example: bright = sun and moon, so try to wonder about why they decided that sun and moon would = bright.) Being curious and just keep learning until your brain feels tired.

You'll forget things, but that's 100% ok and it's totally naturally. Just keep doing "Focused Review" quizzes on it until you're getting 85% or so.

Turn on kanji display in words too if you aren't seeing it already, you don't need to memorize what kanji goes to what word too much because over time your brain will start to soak it up automatically. Example: if you look at きい, you'll start to remember "oh, I remember that one-it's おおきい!" Especially after learning means big, it will start to feel fun seeing おおきい (big) and then the kanji makes sense!

Anyway, sorry it's a long reply. But hopefully it helps and make sure to have fun learning! You got this kao_heart.png

8 hours ago
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