Hello everyone!
As of today, we have over 60,000!! usage notes (mnemonics, etc.) for words on renshuu, of which just under half are public.
As you may or may not know, I manually validate these notes - I make sure they are SFW, not spam, and not incorrect. When it comes to mnemonics, there is a lot of subjectivity (what works for one person may not work for someone else), but I try to think "will this be helpful for some users"
Anyway, I get anywhere from 50-100 new usage notes a day, 90% of which are mnemonics. I'm finding myself unable to keep up with them, and it's impacting my ability do bug-fixes, new features, etc.
I do not want to completely open up the floodgates and allow anything in, because sometimes the mnemonics are objectively wrong, very inappropriate, hateful, etc. But I'd like a way to hopefully get the community's help in verifying these. I have an idea, but would like your feedback on it.
"Firehose" widget on the dashboard (with something like XP points or kao garden coins built in)
For those who choose this, it would show a list of not-yet-approved mnemonics (non-mnmeonic notes are in the minority, and I can cover those) that the user could do a simple up/down vote on it (with clear rules for what gets voted up and down)
These values would be hidden, but if the same mnemonic gets voted up (for example) 5 times without getting voted down, it would be marked as public for everyone to see.
If it gets voted down 3 times (without getting voted up), it would be marked as hidden.
If it's a mix of ups and downs, it would go to me for verification.
In order to prevent "gaming" the system for whatever reward I give out, I'm thinking of something like this:
1. Points (or whatever) would not be given out immediately, but after a decision was made on each term.
2. If someone is marking things "incorrectly" too much, they'd get warned and possibly removed from the firehose system. This would not be a quick ban or anything, but a way to route out people who are marking everything up (or down, or randomly) in order to get the points.
3. I'd also hide all usernames on submissions, so there is no bias for or against someone based on who they are.
This would take some time to implement, but in the long run, I think it could help balance out my work so I can more effectively help everyone learn more on renshuu.