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掲示板 Forums - Leveling up popups, while Adventure mode is off
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Hi. Each time I open Renshuu, I get this pop-up telling me that I've leveled up, even though my Adventure mode is turned off.
is there a way to permanently disable these leveling up popups?
Thank you for your time.
That definitely should not be happening! Do you mind letting me know if it is still popping up for you?
マイコー は 12月16日, 22:46に
That definitely should not be happening! Do you mind letting me know if it is still popping up for you?
Hi, I love your app and platform.
Yes, it consistently happens every time I open it. The app version is 1.1.20241201, if you need any other info, I'm here.
Thanks. Please try now :)
I tried it a few seconds ago and it's gone. Thanks a lot!
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