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日本語を勉強しましょう / Let's study Japanese! >
Anything About Japanese
Yes Q7 translate this to kana wadashi wa sense I desu
I think you mean watashi not wadashi
No kanji this is a kana quiz
Maybe Q8 show resu in katakana
つでな? What? Oh, it’s probably wrong… whatever
No kanji this is a kana quiz
oh, sorry (sorry it’s late I’m not up to date)
Q10 what is kino in hiragana
8/10 here is your results
You did 8 correct
You did 1 wrong
You did 1 maybe
I know the games the quick draw
I want cheese and bacon pizza
PLUS a juice box apple flavour and fries and chicken nuggets
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日本語を勉強しましょう / Let's study Japanese! >
Anything About Japanese
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■ Katakana
■ Hiragana