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掲 示 板 Forums - N4 1st December 2024
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日本語を勉強しましょう / Let's study Japanese! >
Exams Talk: JLPT, Kanji Kentei
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This is for the N4-takers today :-) Can you share the words / phrases you wished you knew but didn't? I had a few, like ざあざあ or 油 but I'll post more at a later time.
What did you think of the listening test?
That I was not prepared for that :) I should probably invest in some specialized tool, like Satori Reader or Japanese Pod to complement Renshuu (which rocks anyway!)
I know what you mean. It will probably end up being my worst section. I did try to prepare for it, but I still blanked out a few times.
That I was not prepared for that :) I should probably invest in some specialized tool, like Satori Reader or Japanese Pod to complement Renshuu (which rocks anyway!)
How did it go? As expected, listening comprehension was my worst section. I'm wondering if you have evaluated any listening-centric study aids, and can share your thoughts.
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日本語を勉強しましょう / Let's study Japanese! >
Exams Talk: JLPT, Kanji Kentei
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