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Forums - Firefox zoom option helps with tiny furigana and kanji

Top > 会話 / General discussion > Anything Goes

Level: 183

I just want to spread some good news:

Firefox has a zoom option that helps with reading those tiny furigana with even tinier rendaku. It's one change in the configuration to make it mimic a touch device's zoom but while using a mouse.

-> mousewheel*action$ -> choose one of alt, control, or shift -> change its value to 5. While holding your choice of alt, control, or shift, it now zooms like a touch device.

(I only know because of this person's comment: reddit link)

And because Firefox has it, I bet the others do too.

--- Screenshot

In this picture, I've modified mousewheel.with_alt.action to have a value of 5.


--- Example uses

- To figure out whether a tiny furigana says ぴ or び, but without screwing up page structure with the normal zoom.

- To actually see the strokes on those tiny kanji.

1 month ago
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