和英辞典Vocabulary dictionary
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掲示板 Forums - Disable auto play audio answers for audio questions
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I couldn't find a way to disable audio auto play in answers for vocab audio questions. Is there a way to do that ?
Click the link below the 🔊 button that says “Auto-play: on.”
Click the link below the 🔊 button that says “Auto-play: on.”
I think this disables auto play for both the question and the answer. I'd like to disable it only for the answer
Sorry, I misunderstood. You can control that from the quiz settings in the options.
But if you want to disable it only for listening questions it does seem like that would require a new setting.
I felt it was redundant to hear the same word twice. Hopefully this makes sense and not to difficult to add
Thanks for the suggestion! This is a bit of a niche request, and probably not one that I'll be able to address in the near future.
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