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Top > renshuu.org > Bugs / Problems
This happened to me two times:
I wasn't able to send messages or reply to anything It goes away when I close the app and open it again, but maybe reporting it helps to fix it
I'm stumped cause it still says "3 hours ago" when the page is set to German. Couldn't find it in the translation centre, either. What's going on there?
If you're able to create a specific set of steps that guarantees that the issue comes up, I may be able to look into it.
Those time should all end in _before_num (the string name) - try looking them up that way?
Sorry, but I don't know how this is happeningIt happens randomly and I don't know why
I understand - sometimes bugs are like that, where the cause of them is not apparent. If you ever happen to notice any patterns, do let me know!
Those time stamps are all translated and approved. So there's no reason why they should still be displayed in English...
If they were never internationalized, it won’t matter if the localization is implemented or not.
I don't think that's what Karlla is referring to - it does sound like a bug that I need to look into.
I actually cannot replicate that view - I switched to German, but everywhere I went, I saw the strings translated into German. Karlla, can you see it on your version of renshuu?
Everything is in order on my end. Maybe those two things are related?
My theory is that when it gets into the funky state, it is running some old code that isn’t internationalized. Maybe falling back into a library that Michael doesn’t even have the source code for.
Definitely not a library - all the backend code was hand-written by me. So the problem and solution will ultimately be tied to me.
Oh, well. I thought it was such a nice theory, too.
In that case, it must be the case that parts of the page are displayed using German language settings and others using English language settings. Maybe an error handler is changing the display language or something.