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Forums - Current bug with iOS 18.2 (beta) and renshuu app

Top > renshuu.org > Bugs / Problems

Level: 283

There is currently a bug either the Flutter framework (which I use to develop the renshuu app for iOS) or the newest iOS version (18.2).

One you tap anything on the top menu bar, or the popout menu, other taps on the screen will no longer register.

This bug is affecting a lot of projects in addition to renshuu, and a fix already appears to be in the works for Flutter, but it cannot be applied to renshuu yet.

I would not ask anyone to downgrade iOS just for renshuu, but do keep in mind that you can access renshuu.org in Safari, and it will work just fine (with the same user account).

I will update this post once a formal fix is in a place where I can add it to renshuu.

3 months ago
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Level: 283

I wanted to give you all an update on the 18.2 issue. I have a fix that I believe works, and I am waiting for Apple to approve the test build of the app so I can sent the test version out to you and others with the issue! It could be anytime between the next few hours, up to a day!

Will post again when that info is available.

3 months ago
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Level: 283

iOS users - I kindly request you try out a test version of the iOS app that, should things go well, become the main version by week's end. It targets a bug is iOS 18.2, but needs testers of all iOS versions.

Link to the test version: https://testflight.apple.com/j...

It will require you to install TestFlight, an Apple (1st party app) used to install test versions.

If you have any issues with it, contact me directly at michael@renshuu.org, or through the app. You can remove it and return to the main version at any time.


3 months ago
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