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Forums - Kanji quizzes still including disabled readings

Top > renshuu.org > Bugs / Problems

Level: 109

I suspected this for a while now, but today I caught it and noticed it happen. I was doing a Kanji quiz and one of the questions was for the kanji with the reading つどう. This reading is not marked with the "Include this reading in my Kanji quizzes" checkbox, and yet it still came up in the quiz. Maybe I'm just missing something here, and I don't have a screenshot but I can try and get one next time if it would help. Thanks! thanks.pngkao_yoroshiku.png

29 days ago
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I’ve noticed that changes I’ve made don’t always make into the schedule, especially if I make them mid-quiz. Check the dictionary to see which readings renshuu thinks you know. If that doesn’t agree with what you’re seeing in the quiz, then they’re probably out of sync. Michael can fix it for you, or if you’re adventurous, you could try deleting the schedule and recreating it.

Note: I’m not that adventurous myself.

28 days ago
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Level: 109

I haven't yet made any changes to the disabled/enabled readings yet, so it can't be that..and the dictionary still shows it as a disabled reading, curiously. Thanks for the help regardless though! (I just recently regenerated the schedules because I think I threw them out of order when I merged them (oops!)) Thanks again thanks.png

28 days ago
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Level: 283

Do you mind going to Settings > Experimental, and confirming for me which option you have selected? If you're on the red option (The old system), consider changing to a new one, as the new choices will fully replace the old system sooner than later, so I'd like to see if the issue is still present in there.

27 days ago
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Level: 109

I'd have to do more quizzes to know for absolute certain, but this seems to have fixed it! Not only that but the new system is much better for my needs too-really love the one for readings that you've come across in words. Thanks so much! thanks.png

27 days ago
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Level: 688

I have exactly this same problem. I reported it through the ? recently. I am on the old system. I tried the new system just now and I still don't like it.

The new system with only known readings is great for new learners who don't know much kanji. Every kanji is common. However I know over 1000 kanji. The kanji are getting rare. When a rare kanji is learned, the readings will be grayed out because there are no common words with that kanji. Knowing the meaning of a kanji without a reading seems meaningless. It also makes learning harder. The word helper only helps to a certain extent.

I have previously explained why I don't like the new system, when it was first released. There is no good transition to learning higher grades of kanji readings. to transition for example. Also the transition from the old to the new system. You would get flooded with reviews (Not learning! This is the problem!) for readings you never learned.

Right now my plan is to finish the kanji lists that I am studying, then go back through every kanji and manually study up to then , then switch to your new feature. I wish that I didn't have to do that manual part. I think I need to do this if the old system is going away and/or not getting bug fixes.

I think the reason I'm here right now is because I studied the kanji through the N lists up to N2, which have weird readings marked for learning. Like how やかす is in, but い is out.

All that being said, the new system seems great, but I just can't switch yet. Please let me know if there is something I'm missing. I think I may be approaching learning readings incorrectly, but also personally I think it is very important.

21 days ago
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Level: 283

User data is so entrenched that I doubt I will completely turn off the old system, but I will most likely make it only available to users with accounts older than X (whenever I officially release the new system). I doubt I'll be able to do significant bug fixes to the old system, precisely because it is not set up to handle most of fixes that would be required. It's a system that is barely holding together, with really clunky fixes each time something goes wrong. The new system gives me a much cleaner format for storing all the reading data, making it easier to add features/customizations, as well as fixing issues.

When did you sent that ? message in? I vaguely recall discussing this with you, but it feels like it was at least a month or two ago. If it was more recent then that, it might have slipped by me somehow.

There's probably never going to be a perfect migration system that covers all use-cases in renshuu. renshuu is extremely open-ended, and that is great, but adds *tons* of complexity to implementing it, and in general, when a user says "I think it should be like this because I use it this way", I tend to have another 5-10 different use cases I've heard from other users.

It does sound that a few of the issues you mention might be caused by bugs, or can be fixed, and I think it's definitely worth looking into. I'll need very specific data about examples of the problems coming up.

Notably, here's a couple I think we can work on sooner than later:

1. "all readings greyed out" - are there any examples of these that you've come across that a)do not really have words that can be used for them and b)are learned in the Japanese school system (and so have at least one reading that is marked at a specific school level)?

2. Going from old system to new system - which setting are you trying, and can you give a few examples of the "sudden" reviews coming up with new readings? Are you referring to, for example, a second kunyomi reading getting added to one you already knew, or a kanji where you had only studied the kunyomi (so no onyomi questions), but one of the new settings included onyomi, so you got hit with onyomi at mastery 0?

3. Can you further describe the pain point you're seeing if you change from to , for example, in the new system? Is it that the new readings are added, but there is no sense of "hey, you already know this kanji, but here are some new readings for it?"

18 days ago
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Level: 688

I sent the ? message about a week or two ago. Not really sure. The problem was I learned a kanji which added a rare reading, probably due to a mistake in one of the kanji kentei lists. Maybe it was . My dictionary has "tei" unchecked, but the flashcard says I know it. Switching to the new system marks "tei" as checked, as expected.


I discussed the problems of the new system with you back when it was first created and released to everyone.

1. When using the new system with any setting, then every reading that is higher level than what you've selected will be grayed out. So a kanji with only high school readings will be grayed out if you've selected "no extra readings", "renshuu recommended", "primary school", or "middle school". As for an example, how about ? It only has "kon" as a middle school reading, and there are no "common words" that use it in the dictionary. If you selected "no extra readings" then you would not learn this reading.

2. Let's say I'm going to "renshuu recommended". 14 terms immediately show up as level 1 because I don't know either kunyomi or onyomi. The mastery 0 problem. One such kanji is where I don't know the reading くらい. If I did a kanji quiz, I'd immediately be tested on my knowledge of this reading which I've never seen before. In addition, if there is a kanji that I already know a kunyomi reading, but a new one is added, then some day in the future, I'd get a review for that kunyomi that I definitely do not know.

3. This is exactly the same as going from the old system to new system in point 2 above. Any level increase will cause the same problem. I think what is needed is a new learning screen where new readings are introduced.

17 days ago
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Level: 283

I just wanted to say thank you now - I see your message, and because it's Friday, I will not be able to really get into it until next week. But I appreciate the quick response! I definitely do not recall seeing that message (sorry!), so I'm glad that you have brought it up here.

16 days ago
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