I've just discovered Renshuu as another potential tool to add for studying Japanese. I've been working my way through Genki 1 3rd ed. so far (with Anki for memorizing vocab) and I'm up to around lesson 5.
I was hoping that with Renshuu, I could pick Genki 1, say I'm at lesson 5, then start some reviews for the content I've already studied (grammar, vocab, kanji) just for another layer of practice while I learn, however I've run into some problems when doing the quizzes. I've noticed there's A) many bits of vocab that haven't been covered in Genki yet that appear in the quizzes up to lesson 5 asnd B) there's seemingly more advanced usage of some bits of grammar that also haven't been covered in Genki yet.
I assumed that because I picked the Genki specific course it would be content limited just to what I had covered up until this point, but that doesn't appear to be the case? Have I missed something here? Is there some sort of supplemental studying I need to do to pair with Renshuu?
On a separate note - in terms of recall, are all quizzes multiple choice/fill in the blanks? If so, how does this work for general recall? I find Anki works well because I'm forced to recall a word from memory, not from a list provided to me, so curious if this is just how Renshuu starts, or if it remains this way, how others have found their recall.