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Forums - I visited Nikko and curious what this translates to

Top > 会話 / General discussion > Japan, にほん, 日本


Hello! I am new to Renshuu but have been studying Japanese on and off for several years. I have this print i bought when i was in Nikko, Japan for vacation and I recognize some kanji and words on it, but am confused of the general meaning. Please forgive me if this wasnt the right place to post. Im not familiar yet with the forums. :)

1 month ago
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This is fine. The part in the box obviously says Nikko or , but I’m having a hard time making out the rest. I ran it through Apple OCR and got the following:

のsは   →


を  →

くがをし →

してからず→ べからず


is Ieyasu (Tokugawa)

I’m really not sure about . Maybe it’s ゟ ( より ) or some combination of the two?

Since this is apparently a famous quote, I thought Apple translate might actually yield a decent translation. Boy was I wrong!

I did better with a straight up search: mnavi.net/famous-quote-by-tokugawa-ieyasu

There are translations of the full quote on Wikipedia’s Testament of Ieyasu article.

1 month ago
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oh wow thank you for the info! i tried a translate app too and was having some skepticism too :)

1 month ago
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Top > 会話 / General discussion > Japan, にほん, 日本

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