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Forums - Very heavy writing penalization

Top > renshuu.org > Android renshuu

Level: 124


I have bought Renshuu Pro to practice writing with correct stroke orders (among other very useful features).

The problem is that when I practice writing a word in the "calligraphy box" (the one where it shows the traces of the character to draw), if I get it wrong, the mastery for the writing vector will fall to 0, regardless of its previous score.

I made sure to check in the options, and I have it set to only fall a little bit. I also tried setting it to fall to 0 intentionally, saving, and then setting it back and re-saving; I thought it might nudge it but it didn't work.

This is the only study vector that has this behavior.

Please advise me.

4 months ago
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Level: 283

Thanks for the report! This sounds like it may be related to another issue. Can you please confirm something for me?

That next time it happens, immediately go to the kanji dictionary and look up that kanji. The mastery values should show up on that dictionary entry. Does it show as 0% there?

The other issue, that I have not yet been able to really get into, sounds just like this one, and I was able to verify that the 0% was actually just a visual bug, whereas the system itself is actually just making a small drop as desired.

4 months ago
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Level: 124

Just tried with the kanji : after having marked it as wrong it went from from 38% mastery to 0%, the dictionary confirms this.

4 months ago
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Level: 283

Thanks. A few more questions, if you do not mind.

If you have another kanji you can test this on, please try the following:

1. Go to Me > My Lists, then make a private list with just the one kanji, and do a writing quiz there.

This will help me/us determine if it's the schedule causing the issue (perhaps the other study vectors present on the schedule, or some set of schedule settings), or if it's at a different level.

I did try replicating the issue on my account, but it worked correctly - this makes me think that there is something specific to your account (or settings or schedule) causing it. Once we can isolate where it is, I'll be much closer to fixing it!

4 months ago
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Level: 124

Update: I have built a list only containing the kanji , then I have added it to its schedule on the dashboard, and set it to only one study vector, as writing. From 50% mastery it dropped to 25% mastery, which is good because it didn't reset, but it seems still a bit harsh.

I have double checked the settings and in the list settings there is nothing relating to mastery drop, while the global quiz setting are still on "just a bit". By the way, how much is "just a bit exactly"? Is it supposed to be 2-3 levels?

Thank you very much for helping me.

4 months ago
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Level: 283

Edit: The rule is "if it's level 5 or higher (which translates to roughly 65%), drop it two levels (25%), otherwise, drop it one (12.5%)

If you want less than that, then you can just set it to "down 1 level" :)

Ok, so unfortunately that didn't expose the issue, which means it is tied to something else. I'm also looking into this with one other user, but if you see it happen again (and it drops more than 25%), tap the ? button at the top of the app and send in an in-quiz report. No more than 2-3 of these reports are needed.

4 months ago
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Level: 283

Additional update: I might have found the issue, and I put up a patch. If the issue still appears, please follow the above instructions and send the in-quiz report.

4 months ago
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Level: 124

Will keep an eye out for further misbehavior from the app. In the meantime I really appreciate your efforts, and I hope it's fixed.

4 months ago
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Level: 124

Tested it right now, it is solved!

4 months ago
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