掲示板 Forums - What to write about (in Japanese)?
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Top > 会話 / General discussion > Japan, にほん, 日本
I have been trying to practice Japanese grammar and kanji by writing short texts in a notebook. Each "entry" is only about 1-2 paragraphs, but I keep struggling to find topics to write about. Writing about my day is not a solution because my days are pretty much always the same.
What are some good topics to write about for practice? I am currently studying for the N3 level of the JLPT.
Please share any suggestions you might have!
Maybe you could couple writing with reading practice? Like reading a short text in Japanese (eg on something like Yomujp), then afterwards write down in your own words what you remember, what you learned. You could add further questions you have or can come up with and then do a short research and answer them yourself.
That way, as long as you find some reading material, you always have something new to write about and at the same time you can practice vocab and grammar used in the stuff you read.
You could similarly write a short summary if you tend to read fiction, maybe expand the story or write something with the same characters.
Try doing some random creative writing stuff, or write entries about the 'journal' of an anime/manga character.
Thank you for the replies. I have noted your ideas down to use later.
Describe your favorite hobbies or activities. Explain why you enjoy them, how often you do them, and any recent experiences related to them.
Back when I was pretty regularly writing essays, the lessons often had a specific grouping/theme and we'd have to do an essay off of that—so one was about family and extended family, and another was about kinda of transport we'd taken or wanted to take, and what was available in the city.
Do you have any really specific community lists (e.g. flowers or locations or manga or literature) you're studying? I feel like they could be good for a similar thing!