Vocabulary dictionary

Kanji dictionary

Grammar dictionary

Sentence lookup


Forums - Fall 2024 Focus: Text Analyzer Improvements

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Level: 283

I'll be doing some revisions of the Text Analyzer tool, so I'd love to hear about what changes (big or small) you'd like to see happen! It can tied to either/both the free aspects of the tool or the renshuu pro bonuses.

7 months ago
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Level: 58

I think adding an option for the entire entry could be read out to us like what individual words can do would be neat!

7 months ago
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Level: 619

I think adding an option for the entire entry could be read out to us like what individual words can do would be neat!

This would be a great case for TTS (text-to-speech). I regularly want to listen to the content, and there is no way you'd get have real recordings of any analyzed content. Having the elements highlighted word-by-word as the audio plays would be super awesome.

7 months ago
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Level: 283

Probably not going to work TTS into renshuu - maybe in the far future, but definitely not for this level of refresh.

7 months ago
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Level: 148

I think it would be nice to be able to organize the various texts I have analyzed into different folders. Not sure how feasible it is and definitely not necessary, but would help with organizing materials.

7 months ago
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Level: 817

Hi! I would like to name two suggestions that came to my mind:

1. Maybe it could be possible to add an option to re-parse more than one (non-processed) symbol? For example, in text, I have something like 「 えっ !」、「あれっ」、「あらっ」 and I end up with unparsed 「っ」. In that case, I can only re-parse either 「え」、「あれ」、「あら 」or 「っ」 and not both of them together. Or it could be done in a way that the re-parse logic considers any matching parts before and after the re-parsed item? For example: when re-parsing 「っ」of 「えっ」, writing the 「えっ」 would also replace the separately parsed 「え」

2. For the PRO users, there could be selection for uploaded texts in the list view added and some quick action button for adding words, kanji, grammar from the selected texts. This would make parsing multiple texts and adding them into respective lists without opening each easier and faster.

7 months ago
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Level: 283

1. You can reparse more than one :) - if you tap the term, then the reparse button, the panel will appear. On there, you can highlight the other surrounding terms and include them in the reparsing.

Now, if it's not a word in renshuu, you'll want to put parentheses around the term to say "don't try and break this up into anything smaller."

2. Definitely going to have folders in some form or another.

7 months ago
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Level: 92

I think it would be nice to be able to organize the various texts I have analyzed into different folders. Not sure how feasible it is and definitely not necessary, but would help with organizing materials.

Seconding this, along with being able to reorganize them/drag them up and down the list. I've got a few categories of texts I've analyzed, and it'd be easier to not have to scroll down (on mobile) together to the ones I'm working on, as well as to move the text I'm working on to the top of the list/folder.

7 months ago
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Level: 285
  1. Better title extraction from the first line of text would be great. I've been getting "Untitled" that I had to rename by hand.
  2. Folders suggested above are a great idea!
  3. Seeing upload date could be useful.
  4. It would be cool to be able to extract vocab/kanji/grammar for multiple texts at once. I think it would even be OK to ask for the schedule name, and create it with the same name across all 3 types of content. For example, "Text Analysis" schedule for vocab, kanji and grammar. Alternatively, see a single-table export suggestion below.
  5. When extracting stuff from a single text, I find it cumbersome to switch between 3 types of content, click "Add to/Make schedule", then select one. I would much prefer a single-click export, or just a table like this:

It could be used for the multi-export thing in the previous point.

6. I'm wondering if it's possible to extract sentences? For example, if I want to find and practice particular usages of の, do you think it's possible to say "let's extract all sentences with の particle in them, show which usage it is, and select X from each/one to make a new schedule"?

Apologies for the mockup, it's just easier to show than to use words :)

7 months ago
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Level: 285

Here it's another one: when analyzing a text, allow to group words/kanji/grammar by frequency and create schedules based on that rather than the whole thing. This is useful when there are a lot of words in a big text, but some of them come up once, and some all the time.

7 months ago
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Level: 1685

I noticed sometimes the sentences are separated grammatically correctly, but take the wrong vocabulary term. How hard would it be to show alternate dictionary results for vocabulary when clicking on the word without reparsing the entire sentence (I found myself just pulling up the dictionary instead because it was easier).
I would also love for the text to show first instead of the statistics. I want to read my text on renshuu for the quick link with the dictionary, not just to see the jlpt level of the text I found.

Edit: also would love a way to see the original imported text instead of the parsed version. Being able to read it with dictionary in the same app without having to switch apps all the time would still make my reading process immensely more efficient, but wrongly parsed words occasionally get wrong kanji added to it making it harder to understand.

7 months ago
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I kindly request the addition of an option to make furigana invisible, even if it has not been studied yet.

7 months ago
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Level: 721

I would really like an option that allows me to filter for JLPT, but the other way around. The current filter only allows to see for example everything N4 and UP(so plus N3-1) but i usually want N4 and DOWN (so plus N5).

I know there is a workaround using the Advanced search, i usually add all JLPT terms to a list, then add the overlap of all levels i am interested in.

But it would be so much easier if there was an option to just do it directly.

Maybe just a way to toggle individual JLPT levels?

I am looking forward to see the new tool :)

7 months ago
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Level: 721

Oh another thing, it would be super cool if it was possible to either filter or sort for occurences in the text!

Just to figure out what is more important to learn first.

So either being able to show everything that showed up x times in the text or even just that the exported list is sorted in order of occurences that you learn first what shows up the most. (Of course that will mostly be particles but still).

7 months ago
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Level: 619

One setting that would be nice on the Reader side is to adjust how Kana are displayed. Currently, any Kanji I know doesn't show it's Kana. I'd like to override this to show all or show no Kana. This would be particularly useful when reading for the purpose or karaoke, or explicitly to test skills, including realizing when I don't recognize a Kanji.

Another nice improvement would be to see a list of all words based on the filters without having to take some action. For example, I don't want to make a list / schedule, just see what words I don't know and manually select a few from there to add to an existing schedule.

7 months ago
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Level: 58

I think it would be really cool if you could do something like the text analyser but for sentences you write to test your accuracy!

7 months ago
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Level: 120

A cool update is to tell you if the phrase is grammatically correct.

7 months ago
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Level: 816

For Pro feature Work with this passage, I would ideally like to have a quick preview of the words that would be added and maybe being able to modify that list manually (e.g. after exporting to a schedule, I currently go to that schedule and remove for example katakana words and words that I believe are wrongly parsed/redundant). It would be great if I could already do this with text analyzer.

7 months ago
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Level: 816

(putting this in a separate post since it's a different request)

The JLPT filter is super helpful, would be great if we could have more filters for frequency (e.g. News10k).

Alternatively/additionally if it would be possible to filter/overlap by an existing list (e.g. user-made Core10k).

The main reason why I want to have these filters is to be able to prioritize more frequent words and it also helps to filter out words that are wrongly parsed.

7 months ago
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Level: 721

(putting this in a separate post since it's a different request)

The JLPT filter is super helpful, would be great if we could have more filters for frequency (e.g. News10k).

Alternatively/additionally if it would be possible to filter/overlap by an existing list (e.g. user-made Core10k).

The main reason why I want to have these filters is to be able to prioritize more frequent words and it also helps to filter out words that are wrongly parsed.

Agreed, that would be really cool. Though just in case you hadn't realised this, you can already do that by adding all words to a list and then using the Advanced search to show the overlap between the words in the list you created and the 10k word list or any other list you made (just not at the same time, you can only compare two lists, other wise it only shows vocabs that are in all lists you chose)

6 months ago
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