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Forums - Vocab Helper Schedules

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Level: 755


1. This is ideal for users who choose a kanji reading filter setting that is *not* "readings I pick up in vocabulary". This is because this schedule style puts kanji at the top, and generates words from there. So choosing "renshuu recommended" or one of the school levels will be best.

Just as a feedback, actually I find the vocab helper also useful when you do have the filter "readings I pick up in vocabulary" since it helps to reinforce the readings I newly learnt with more examples.

4 months ago
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Level: 283

Fixed the VHELPER_SETT and the n2/n4 issue :)

4 months ago
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Level: 688

Not sure what happened, but in the past day, I received 8 new terms in my helper schedule. Two of these were 反する and 損する. For it marked the reading そこ.ねる as known. I know I have never seen this before because my kanji kunyomi mastery is at 0%. Similarly, for it marked そ.る as known.

4 months ago
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Level: 283

Can you confirm 100% that those readings were not part of your known knowledge before?

I am periodically fixing and updating the kanji/word binding system (it's automated, and sometimes harder than you think to take a word and figure out which kanji reading was used to make it). About a day or two again, I put in a couple of fixes and redid the bindings, so it is possible that due to that, it said "oh hey, these readings now have words for them, let's dump them in."

4 months ago
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Level: 688

Yes, 100%. I fully study my kanji schedule every day. Those two have 0% kunyomi. I have blocked the two readings manually now. It looks like 反する and 損する are no longer in my helper schedule anymore, so I guess this is fixed?

4 months ago
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Level: 338

so my schedules for this are as follows:
jlpt vocab(n6, n5, n4) -> kanji (helper) -> vocab (helper)
when I added the n4 vocab (which were already all studied) the number of items in the kanji helper and vocab helper did not change (unless Im actually blind and/or at 0iq)
I would redo the helper schedules to check if its correct but I already started studying them and my concern is that the words from the pool (up to n1, core6k, top 10k online) for vocab wouldnt pick the same words as before. If the same settings as before are applied are always the same vocab picked with the helper schedules?

edit: i would also like to +1 the "only vocab that you know all kanji for" option while im here.

3 months ago
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Level: 283

I'm actually..not sure if it'll work when you chain them together like that (a helper based on another helper). Will need to look into it later.

Now, for the issue, I'd need to know the exact words (or at least one of them) that was added to the first schedule, and which kanji(s) you expected to appear in the kanji helper, but did not. Also, did you add them via the + button, the add/remove materials, or something else? Was the word added on its own, or as part of a list?

3 months ago
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Level: 338

helper on helper defo works fine from what I can, at least for me.

I exclusively add items to a schedule via the Add/remove -> schedule all

I had the basics and n5 words in the schedule and added n4, I only checked wether the number went up. as for what kanji are used in the n4 word list that are not in the basics and n5 lists im not sure, but Im sure there should be some of them c.c'
The number of kanji in the helper did go up when I added the n3 word list though! so it probably worked before too...? (the number of words for the vocab helper for the kanji helper went up too ofc)
Sometimes when I reorganize my schedules too much it seems to show me wrong numbers or I have to readd lists so maybe that was what happened. (I only really had to do that before because I speedran all n4 lists in a month and didnt want to have 800+ reviews in a single schedule since thats demotivating)
Also I think having helpers for helpers is the best part since youll have vocabs and the kanji used in those have more readings so having vocab for each reading is godsent :)

2 months ago
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Level: 283

Thanks for the update. This is ...going to be a somewhat tricky thing to fix unless we can some smaller, specific examples of things going haywire.

One small thing that's worth checking - if you ever notice that the numbers are off, try this: go into the helper schedule's settings, then more settings. There's a box at the bottom of the page with helper specific settings (the same ones you set when you first made the schedule). I like to change the settings on there (to anything), then change it back to what they were before, and see if the problem resolves itself.

2 months ago
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Level: 338

Oh yh I already thought of raising that to fix it but it slipped my mind that I could also lower that again so I was hesitant to do that lol
I will try and see if I can replicate it on a lower scale without screwing up my study plan and report back when I have a set thats easy to reproduce! : )

2 months ago
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I would like to report a bug I encountered while using a word helper schedule.

After learning new kanji, only a part of applicable vocabulary is showing up in the schedule.

For example, today I had learned , and . A total of 8 words were added to my word helper:


However, if I were to delete the schedule and create it again using the same settings...


...13 words would appear instead of just 8.


So, in order for the word helper to be up to date, I would need to delete and re-add it each time I learn new kanji, which is not ideal.

1 month ago
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Level: 283

That's definitely not what it should be doing. I just added a good chunk of logging so it'll take a look at each step that takes place, so we can see where things are dropping out.

Now, if it happens again, this will be a bit tricky, but

a)You'll need to hold onto the old (problematic) helper schedule

b)Also know that it is missing words.

I cannot think of a good way to do this, but if you feel like this is happening consistently with each new kanji that is learned, you could do 4-5 new kanji, let me know, then I can reference the logs. After I check, you can remake it, and having both the old data and the new schedule, I can compare it.

I'm sure it's a very small hole that, one plugged, should run just fine.

1 month ago
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I'm quite sure this behavior can be reproduced consistently. Recently, I have learned 8 new kanji from my 'JLPT N3 Kanji' schedule:

, , , , , , , .

The following vocabulary has been added to 'Words for JLPT N3 Kanji' word helper schedule:


I left the word helper schedule as is for you to investigate. Let me know when you're done, so that I can delete and re-add it.

I expect around 10 missing words to appear.

1 month ago
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I will continue learning new kanji daily without deleting the word helper. Please let me know when you're done collecting logs, so that I can remake the schedule.

1 month ago
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Level: 283

I am so sorry about the delayed reply. I found a bug in my logging that prevented anything from getting logged :(. I'll be quicker to look at it next time, so please feel free to get back to "normal", then let me know the next time you see the issue.

1 month ago
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Hey, no worries :)

I'm sure the bug can be easily reproduced, so let's try again. Today I learned the kanji: , , , , , .

The following vocabulary has been added to my word helper:


Let me know when you're done, so I can remake the schedule. I expect 5-10 missing words this time.

1 month ago
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I'm going to continue learning new kanji every day without deleting the word helper schedule. I'm looking forward to your reply.

30 days ago
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Level: 283

Getting closer, but still not there yet. schedule has been reset to show the correct terms. Please submit the next batch when you get them. The same format as before will be perfect!

27 days ago
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Kanji learned:

, , , , , , , .

Vacab added:


27 days ago
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Level: 283

Ok, so some good news - I did find the change that was causing some to not appear during individual kanji learning, but appearing during a full rebuild. So I *think* that one is fixed.

Now, I am seeing an issue with しい not appearing for that kanji. I cannot replicate it on my local account, so is it ok if I remove and re-add that kanji from your kanji schedule (keeping all the mastery data) so I can see why that's happening?

26 days ago
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