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Forums - Japanese Basics not appearing under Saved Lists

Top > renshuu.org > Bugs / Problems > Resolved Bugs


When I tap the green plus to add a word to my lists and schedules, I have had this weird anomaly for the longest time. "Japanese Basics", under "Saved Lists/Studypad", has shown multiples of lessons 1 & 2, but one of each of the other 15 lessons, for maybe a year now.

I finally decided to see if I could fix it, so I went into community lists, searched for Japanese Basics, and unchecked all 17 lessons. There were issues I don't necessarily need to go into, but this ultimately had the effect of removing all lessons 3-17, but I still showed multiples of lessons 1 & 2. I went back to community lists and noticed that when I typed "Japanese Basics" into search, there were multiple options popping up in the drop down box.

So I checked them out to see what the differences were. And what I found was more than a bit odd. Anyway, first I tapped "Japanese Basics". This showed me the list by renshuu I was looking for.

Then I tried "Japanese basics (Vocab)". This is where it got weird. It showed me a list that looked identical to the renshuu one, but was made by... me?

I mean, the lessons even had the same descriptions underneath, "Companion vocab list for Japanese Basics schedule".

I don't recall making this list. I may have... I have cognitive disfunction and my memory is like Swiss cheese (full of holes). But if I did this, I did a damned good job! Actually, yeah, I'd make sure it was as exact a copy as I could, if I did it. And I may have, not sure why though. But it does not appear at all under the "me" tab in community lists. So I'm stumped.

Anyway, it showed lessons 1 & 2 as bookmarked. Through a process of unchecking them, resetting renshuu, rinse and repeat, I was able to get rid of all the multiples I mentioned before. Cool.

Then I searched for RENSHUU's Japanese Basics and re-checked all 17 lessons. They now appear under the "me" tab, without any multiples. Cool #2.

However... now nothing for Japanese Basics appears under "Saved Lists/Studypad" when I want to add or remove words! Not cool!

It should be right between "Interesting Bits and Bobs" and "News Web Easy". So I'm totally at a loss.

And I have no idea how to get rid of my phantom copycat list under the search tab. It doesn't appear at all in my created lists or "me" tab.


9 months ago
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Level: 283

Did a clean sweep and readd, try now please :)

9 months ago
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Ok, it's there now. Thank you!

9 months ago
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