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Forums - Kanji Helper Schedules

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Level: 283

Once I get back, sure! At that point, I'll need some specific examples of word/kanji that are not getting processed as expected.

7 months ago
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Level: 815

Hope you have a nice vacation!

This for example wasnt added however i added it manually (by doing the workaround which i mentioned).

If there are more instances I will post them here!

7 months ago
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Level: 815

Feature is still awesome kao_sassy.png

It would be cool if we could have another Kanji Filter for Jouyou kanji or Kanji by Kentei level kao_yoroshiku.png

1 month ago
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Level: 283

Oh wow, I completely missed that post 5 months ago. I have made a number of fixes since then, so it's quite possible that it has been fixed.

As to the other filters, I might add them later. I plan to open up these features this month (finally!!), and I'd like to get a more general reaction from other users before expanding out what is already there.

1 month ago
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Level: 815

Oh wow, I completely missed that post 5 months ago. I have made a number of fixes since then, so it's quite possible that it has been fixed.

As to the other filters, I might add them later. I plan to open up these features this month (finally!!), and I'd like to get a more general reaction from other users before expanding out what is already there.

it worked for me so I just assumed it was silently fixed kao_shiawase.png

1 month ago
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Level: 248

Is it possible to have a Kanji helper schedule pull from multiple vocab schedules?

I love this feature and have a helper for basically all my vocab lists, but my frontpage has been getting a bit cluttered from all the Kanji schedules, it would be great if I could merge some of them and still have them working. The last time I tried just merging them they stopped autoupdating.

1 month ago
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Level: 283

That might be a possible feature for a 1.1 revision, but not at the outset. I don't want the new feature to be *too* complicated, and once I get more feedback from a larger group of users, I'll be better able to decide what needs to be added/changed.

1 month ago
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Level: 78

That might be a possible feature for a 1.1 revision, but not at the outset. I don't want the new feature to be *too* complicated, and once I get more feedback from a larger group of users, I'll be better able to decide what needs to be added/changed.

If the ability to pull from multiple vocab schedules is added, I think it would be nice to have an optional slider to determine how many times in total a kanji has to appear in vobab schedules in order to be added to the helper schedule.

This way the user can opt to only learn the kanji that are common amongst the selected vocab content.

1 month ago
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Level: 283

That would definitely add an additional layer of complexity to it - right now, the flow is (more or less)

When new term is studied for the first time, consider adding the kanji for it based on the kanji helper settings.

It doesn't do a full scan on all the other words in the schedule (or schedules, with this proposed feature), but a "ok, these 1/2/etc. kanji fit the filters, are they in the helper schedule? 2 of them aren't? Ok, throw it in."

So it's not impossible to do that (and if were added, it would most likely make sense as a feature even if you have just one schedule), the chance of it causing strange issues is higher than the current system.

1 month ago
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Level: 815

For me, I kinda wish something similar, I would love to have a kanji helper for ALL schedules.

It would help if you could at least have My Words schedulable, then I could at least have a workaround using that.

1 month ago
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