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Level: 892

Seems to be working now.

but I already did a few sentences this morning, so why is my counter still at 0? (Now 1)

btw, is it possible for the same sentence to appear several times for the same user? Sometimes I have to tap it twice for it to disappear, though it's only counted once. But that's not what I mean. I don't have an example, but I have a feeling that sentences I have marked already a couple days ago showed up again like the next day or so. (Could be wrong cause there are a lot of very similar sentences around.)

9 months ago
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Level: 283

It should not appear if you've marked that word for that sentence.

A bit late in getting back to this, but if you see the counter off again, let me know (and hopefully, I'll be able to look at it in time.)

9 months ago
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